[RIP] Sally, Doberman, 8-ish years old

@freedom0777 I’m so sorry for your loss, even if it may not have happened yet. I, too, had my dog scheduled to cross the bridge on a Friday, and it was like I was living in a nightmare up until that day. I took the day off and just laid on the floor with her, fed her food she would eat (tripe, cheese, popcorn...) and just took in everything about her. Cherish the last few days, and know that she’s comforted by your presence and reassurance, in what is a no-doubt scary time for her too. You can calm her and keep her peaceful and happy. Do what you can, a small walk to the yard, watch a movie with little “snacks”, or just stay quiet and listen to her breath and heartbeat. Remember all the years of love, and give her all that love now. I’m so sorry, it’s not easy. Hugs and sweet kisses for her.