[RIP] Sally, Doberman, 8-ish years old

@freedom0777 Aww I sorry to hear that I’ve personally been through that pain before and well I think when our furry friends pass on there still running around with us in spirit.
@freedom0777 Hugs. I'm so sorry for what you're about to go through. When I lost my black and tan, Gracie...well, let's just say I still haven't gotten over it. They're great dogs and leave massive paw prints on our hearts. Give sweet Sally a kiss and a hug from an internet stranger. She's adorable.
@freedom0777 Horrible to contemplate walking thru this week and the days to come after. If we could take this pain from you we would. Sally is a member of your family, a beloved companion, and you don’t need to justify your feelings to anyone. Be kind to yourselves. Peace be with you.
@freedom0777 what a beautiful sweetheart, i'm so sorry that this is happening - it's nice to hear how loved she has been and how well you both have cared for her, what a stunning dog she sounds both inside and out
@freedom0777 I’m so sorry you are going through this..
Sally is so lovely. She is lucky to have had wonderful parents like you. Cherish the next 48 hours. I’m sure she understands and appreciates all you’ve done for her. RIP Sally I hope heaven is full of toys and giant bones ❤️
@freedom0777 I’m so sorry. She’s a beauty. I know how much she means to you and your husband. My dog had the same diagnosis, ten years ago. It’s so hard because it happened so fast. Rest easy, sweet Sally. All my best to you and your family, friend.
@freedom0777 Gorgeous girl. We are a doberman family too, now on our third. When we lost the first two we were completely devastated. They are such beautiful dogs and certainly not just pets. RIP to Sally - may she meet up with Xena and Loki at the rainbow bridge.
@freedom0777 Oh my, losing Dobie is like losing a piece Sunshine. I have been there and I feel where you are. Their light is immeasurable. You are doing her right to save her pain, bless your soul for taking on the hurt to save her from it.
@freedom0777 I just lost my sweet Sally, 17yr old chihuahua, back in December. I am so so sorry for your loss, just try and remember how completely you love her, and how completely she loves you. that's all that matters. she knows, and you know. let that bring you comfort in the next days, months, year. & I wish safe travels to your girl 💙