[RIP] Sally, Doberman, 8-ish years old

@freedom0777 My heart. I just lost my 10-year-old German Shepherd 2 weeks ago to a ruptured spleen tumor. I lost him within hours of noticing something was wrong (he couldn't get up off his bed). Saying goodbye to him outside the emergency clinic and not being able to hold him as he went, because Covid, was so horribly painful I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Strength to you as you get through this.
@freedom0777 Oh, sweetie, I am so sorry. You are doing the right thing even though it’s breaking your heart. If you don’t have an ink pad, I recommend getting one for some paw prints on card stock before the horrible day. A precious keepsake.

Our lab was diagnosed with bone cancer at 8. Was sent home with pain meds until our oldest could come home from college. We had to put our little dog down 6 months earlier and couldn’t wait for her.

Every second is precious. He was spoiled rotten for those few days. Even got a WHOLE beer all to himself! Stuffies to tear apart. Video of his head out the window on his last car ride.

Our subsequent dogs are loved even harder and stronger since one never knows what time you have left.

PSA to all dog lovers. Blue Buffalo’s caramel coloring causes bone cancer in large dogs. I don’t know if they’ve changed that in the years since, but we no longer buy their products.
@freedom0777 Wow... she is soooo pretty! Her eyes just make my heart melt.

Dogs are never "just dogs"... they are part of our family. My heart goes out to you and your family.
@freedom0777 aww i opened that linked and seeing her face even made me light up!! I really don't like when people say "it's just a dog". Like my dog has been there for me more times than anyone else in my life. they aren't "just dogs" they are companions that show the truest form of unconditional love. Im sorry to hear this about your dog I wish dogs could live forever without any pain. her final moments will be filled with all the love in the world from you both and honestly I think thats all a dog ever wants in this life
@freedom0777 I’m so sorry that you are going through this. Just found out yesterday, after a month of tests, hospital visits, medications, that my 1 1/2 yr old hound baby, Bronson, had a cancerous mass in his intestines. I made the very difficult decision to say goodbye to him earlier today. He was the sweetest boy and though we only had a short time together he was my best friend; he touched my life and will forever be missed. I know what you’re going through and your baby Sally will be in my thoughts on Friday
@freedom0777 I completely understand and feel your pain. My family and I lost a dog we had for a good 11 years, lost him in June to a genetic disease we also had him euthanized for. It's hard. It's really, really hard; but try to remember, you gave your baby a good life, you loved and cared for her and that's all that matters. You gave her a life she deserved. Whether or not you believe it, I know you'll meet her on the other side, and she'll be happily waiting for you. Much love to you and your husband.
@freedom0777 I don’t care if it’s a dog, cat or goldfish... they become family, and losing them can hurt just as bad as losing a family member. Never let anybody tell you she’s just a dog.

She was absolutely beautiful, and they really do take a piece of your heart with them when they make their journey across the rainbow bridge.. but take comfort in knowing you’ll always have a piece of hers too! ❤️

There’s this quote someone shared with me and it brought a smile to my face, I hope it does the same for you:

It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are.
@freedom0777 I am so so sorry you are going through this. I found out in December that my 12yo fur baby has a tumor in/around her heart. She’s made it through these past couple months but recently took a turn. We have a quality of life visit with the vet in 2 days and I’ve been a goddamn wreck thinking they are going to tell us it’s her time. Pets are family and losing them hits really, really hard. Know that you are not alone, and the kindest thing you can do for her at this time is letting her go peacefully so she’s no longer in pain. Tell her how much you love her (even though she knows). I’ve found comfort in remembering that I gave her a wonderful life and we have shared so many hikes, beach trips, snuggles, and good memories together. Sending love, comfort, and virtual hugs your way 💕
@freedom0777 She looks so much like our rescue dobie hound mix Rusty. he was the sweetest boy and healthy except about a year before he passed about once a month he would be lethargic and not eat (otherwise he ate like a horse) I of course immediately contacted the vet. He was of little help. Then one day I came home and I was going to take him and our lab/samoyed rescue for a walk-my husband daughter were out of town. I practically had to drag Rusty and when i got to the corner i knew he really could not walk. Brought him to the vet and he had growth on his splee (common in male dogs 7 to 9 years and was causing internal bleeding0also read and per vet nothing could be done. My husband daughter rushed home as to thought we had to say goodbye thaat day. He went on live another 2 months, getting fed mcdonald's hambergers, liver to boost his iron and taking walsk when he was able. it was heartbreaking when he knew his day had come
@freedom0777 I'm very sorry to hear that, that must be really difficult. She looks like a beautiful, joyful dog. I lost my own dog two weeks ago due to sudden epileptic attacks. The first few days are going to be very difficult but keep in mind that what you're doing is the right thing, and that she's going to get the rest she deserves. That helped me feel a little bit better about it.

I wish you and your husband lots of strenght.