[RIP] Chloe, Mutt, 17

@allspiceberry143 She's a sweetheart. So sorry for your loss. She'll be waiting for you across the bridge. You gave her a great life and a happy last day on earth. She's in heaven now, savoring that steak. :)
@allspiceberry143 I just wish I could hug you. This was beautiful as was she. I can tell she loved you both very much. Thank you for sharing these bittersweetly beautiful last moments with us. She was and is and always be loved. Big Heartfelt Hugs for you and Hubby on this Day. Rest in Peace Chloe you were such a sweetheart.
@allspiceberry143 I lost my Chloe earlier this year. She was almost 19. Chloes are the best. I hope they are sharing a steak together now. Very sorry for your loss. Now I'm cutting onions at work.
@allspiceberry143 Sorry for your loss! Was obviously a loved part of the family. Nothing harder than choosing to say goodbye to a dear friend. Be strong, and good luck. It looks like you were a wonderful dog-parent.

Ps thanks for making me cry.