[RIP] Ozzy, Australian Shepherd, 14.5 yrs

@godsgal41 Awwww, sweet pup! When I had an Aussie I used to be a part of the breed sub and always enjoyed seeing Ozzy's photos and reading updates. I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved companion, but I'm glad you have beautiful pictures and memories and posts to remember him by. Hoping you experience lots of comfort these next few weeks!
@godsgal41 Ozzy was a beautiful, happy, and beloved dog. While he lives on this planet no longer, he will live on in your heart, and in the hearts of all the people on the internet who you were generous enough to share him with.

RIP Ozzy, you will be missed.
@godsgal41 he’s a bestest boi❣️ soo sorry for your loss... may your memories of your adventures together console you and bring solace to your heart(s)... what a legacy he leaves with you!!! ❤️
@godsgal41 Dogs’ lives are short, too short, but you know that going in. You know the pain is coming, you’re going to lose a dog, and there’s going to be great anguish, so you live fully in the moment with him, never fail to share his joy or delight in his innocence, because you can’t support the illusion that a dog can be your lifelong companion. There’s such beauty in the hard honesty of that, in accepting and giving love while always aware that it comes with an unbearable price.