[RIP] Moose 6 y/o Amstaff

@mrbrain I had to let my Husky Princess go and, tbh, I was selfish. It took her convulsing on the floor before I made the hardest decision...to say goodbye. My vet was great. She told me exactly what I needed to hear, that I was doing the right thing. I decided on cremation as I want to take all my babies with me when I leave this mortal coil.
I held my baby girl in my arms for a good 20 minutes after she took her last breath. I begged her not to go to far and to wait for me. I told her to stay close to Granny and Grandpa and that I would see her again. I just kept pleading with her to not stray, but always be what she was and is:my guardian angel.
I noticed my vet crying and I mentioned that this part of her job must be very difficult. She admitted that she had only cried twice putting an animal to sleep, and this was one of the two. When I walked out of the vet I was laughing and crying and angry. All of the emotions that had been on the sidelines while fear and sadness took over flooded out. Somehow, the heaviness of my heart gave the air a lightness and my breathing slowed down. I wasn’t gulping breaths between hyperventilated chest spasms from the breaking of my heart.
Take your time. Take care of yourself. Sometimes the best thing to do is to throw your hands up and say, “you know what? That was totally shitty, unfair, and that fucking sucked”. On the other hand, Moose got what many dogs never experience: love. And not just any love. Love from your heart and deep in your soul. I will be saying my prayers for Moose and all young dogs out there.
Just know you did the right thing. You made the most difficult decision and because of that you are brave. If it’s too hard to talk,(I know it was for me), I suggest sending out a group text that says “thank you for everyone’s love and support. . I really need this time to process. While I appreciate all of your care, I will reach out when I’m ready to talk”.
That’s just the route I went with. We all have different ways of processing grief.
I’m sending love and hugs...do you feel them? Sleep well tonight knowing that although you lost your baby in this world, now he can do his job and be your guardian angel forever. Best of luck with your grief. I hope you feel better.
@mrbrain I respect the hell out of this post. You did a great job honoring your friend Moose. Read back on what you wrote as often as you need to in order to keep his memory strong.
@mrbrain Don’t worry bro. He had a good life - he had it so good he packed it in those years that were short only for you - not for him.

He had the best life. And he’s going to want you to make the best of yours, so you can share it with his future bros. He’s gonna have you pay it forward cuz you got so much dog love to give.

Keep looking up - it doesn’t get easier, the pain is always there - but soon the good memories will overcome the hurt some (even though the ache will always be there).

To Moose!
@mrbrain It sounds like Moose had a very full life, even if he wasn’t here long enough (it’s never really enough, is it?). You packed a lot of joy into those years. He definitely knew how much he was loved. Rest easy, sweet Moose. Take care of yourself, friend.
@mrbrain I’m so sorry. I hope you find peace in the many memories you made together. And to know you gave him such a full life filled with love and happiness.
Hugs to you.❤️
@mrbrain Love and peace to you. I had to put down a pet due to a brain tumor (the seizures were horrible and terrifying) so I feel you. Afterwards, I felt surprisingly peaceful, although I was sad. You did right by your bestie. Moose lived a GREAT life. ❤️
@mrbrain I just wanted to say I’m so so sorry for your loss he sounded like an incredible dog. But even more than that you were an incredible owner. You did the right thing for him and then t only shows how much you love him. Just know you are the reason he doesn’t have to suffer and I’m sure he loves you for that! He is so handsome anyone would be jealous of you for having such a good boy!
@mrbrain Sorry for your loss. Lost my malamute, Luka, after 16 years a year ago today and it took a while but I’m now able to focus on all the great times we had together. I hope you get the proper amount of grieving time and are able to think about all the fun you guys had soon too.
@mrbrain I'm so sorry for your loss. What a handsome boy and it sounds like he was a great friend! I am sure he knew he was loved, always.

You did the right thing, which in this case is the hardest thing to do. I have been there too, with a beloved dog who didn't get to live her full expected lifespan. It hurts so much. But you didn't make him suffer, and that is true compassion and love.
No matter how many years, it's never long enough.

I hope all of your treasured memories bring you peace.
@mrbrain Awww, no matter how “ready” we think we should be, we never truly are.
It hurts especially when they’re young.
I’m sorry you had to make this decision.
@mrbrain What a lovely tribute to Moose. I recently lost my best boy, so I understand. Our dogs and cats are our family. They never live long enough to suit us, do they? We would keep them around forever if it was possible. You packed a lot of living into a short time frame. Moose was clearly loved and I bet he knew it. Grieve however you need to. Give your other dogs extra hugs. It’s good for you and them. Am sure they miss Moose too.
@mrbrain Moose sounds like the goodest of good boys. I’m sure he was just as unhappy to leave you as you were to have to say goodbye. Brain tumors, seizures, and too-short life spans are beyond cruel (speaking from experience). You’ll see his handsome face again, I’m sure.
@mrbrain So sorry for your loss. Moose definitely had a great life and was definitely loved by you❤️❤️. I know it’s so very hard to lose a fur baby. We have always had fur babies around us but some years back we had to put 2 of our dogs to sleep years apart but it was so hard to do and I cried for days after each one of them was put to sleep😢 Our golden was only 9 when she passed due to having cancer so I know the struggle you are going through. The memories will help you with this sad time ❤️
@mrbrain I’m so sorry your beautiful Moose is gone. Our beautiful red-nosed Pittie, Ginger, died from lymphoma at the young age of 6 years. It felt so unfair especially considering the way her life began. We “rescued” her from a horrible “human” who was literally starving her and her litter mates to death. The first puppy we took (stole) from this piece of trash, died in our arms just hours after we brought him home. We returned to the garage they were locked in vowing not to leave without the last two puppies. After we threatened to call animal control, he finally let us leave with both of them. We were so blessed to have this beautiful dog in our lives, but I still cry 3 years later at the unfairness of it all! I have to remember that she had a wonderful life. She was doted on and spoiled for her short time with us. As I watched A Dog’s Purpose, I just bawled through the whole movie. Dogs are truly a gift to us! I wish I could say something comforting, but the loss leaves a hole that nothing will ever truly fill. Remembering the times your beautiful Moose brought you so much joy and knowing how much joy you brought to his can be comforting when you’re really missing him! I’m not a religious person, per se, but I believe we will reunite with the animals we lost after we die. I picture her running and playing with her best friend Zeus, another beautiful Pittie we lost (from old age). They are just waiting for the day we will all be together again. I’d rather have animals in my own personal heaven. I’m crying right now as I think of this. Some people may think I’m crazy, but my animals never let me down, are always happy to see me, and make my life better everyday! I can’t say that about any other person in my life.