[RIP] Moose 6 y/o Amstaff

@imagebeastmarkbeast Also us. I didn't put him down because he was blind, it was because he had lost all awareness of the world around him. All he did was eat and asleep and pace the house bumping into walls. Walks were painful slow, he didn't play, smile, wag his tail. When I picked him up from the vet he didn't even acknowledge me. When I got home from work Wednesday he didn't want to get out of the kennel and by thursday morning he couldn't stand on his own. Originally I had planned to do it monday, but it would have been selfish to make him suffer any longer.
@mrbrain Hey.

First, I am sorry. Losing a family member sucks. Especially one as amazing and loyal as a doggo.

Yes, life cut short for Moose sucks for you. I know what you are going through and I won’t lie, it won’t be easy. If I could give you a zillion hugs, I would.

BUT, his 6 years with you were the the very best for him. And he relied on you to make sure they stayed the best and you delivered on all fronts, including making the right decision to let him go. You were his best friend. He loves you.

When it feels right, you will love another. Moose is counting on it.
@mrbrain This brought me to tears with that lump in my throat. I’m so super sorry for your loss and though I don’t know what it feels like, I just know it’ll hurt more than I’ll ever know, so I can’t even imagine what you are going through. Moose certainly looks like the goodest boy and am sure he’s frolicking happily beyond the doggy rainbow.
@mrbrain I also lost a dog young (just about two years ago now). Around the same age as your Moose. Zoey also started having seizures and other health issues came with that. It was very tough for a while I won't lie. Take care of yourself and snuggle your other pups closely. They feel loss too and it's heartbreaking. So sorry for your loss!