[RIP] Wesley, doodle, 4 years old


New member
Last night I was driving home from an agility event with my dogs. I saw a deer in the road as I came around the corner- no, an object? No, two big doodles! One laying on the center line, head up, obviously had been hit by a car, the other standing next to him. I pulled over. I took a step, then headlights coming from the other way. My hazards were on. I honked and honked and honked. I waved my phone. A pickup truck hit the one laying down, flipping him. I thought for sure he was dead. The other dog ran off.

I went to him and, to my horror actually, he was breathing. Sharp, shallow breaths. I dragged him off the road. It was so dark, I took his collar off and back to my car so I could call his owners. Wesley was his name. Neither answered, and I left voicemails through sobs saying I saw their dog get hit. They called right back. Just as we arranged where to meet, the closest emergency vet, Wesley passed.

A woman had stopped to help and was petting him as he passed. She had an old blanket. We pulled him onto it and put him in my car. I drove to meet the owners. They were devastated, and we spent several minutes talking and weeping.

The good news is their other dog, Bentley, was found safe and is back home.
Wesley, I didn't know you, but you were so clearly loved and adored.

Edit- thank you all, very much, for your words of comfort and support. Here is their other dog Bentley after being found and taken home.
@legend28 Thank you for staying with him. I’m sure his family appreciated knowing he wasn’t alone and was being comforted.

You’re a good person OP.

Rest well sweet Wesley. May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.
@legend28 I picked up a black short hair kitten just after it was run over. Even though there happened to be a vetrinary office across the street he died in my arms before I entered the office. It was a bloody ugly quick death. I'm sorry for the families loss. You did the best you could. Thank you and the stranger with the blanket for what you did. You are heroes. R.I.P Wesley!
@legend28 Bless you for having the strength to get Wesley out of the road, to call his owners, and to comfort them. He was surely a good boy and you are surely a good person.
@legend28 How awful.

I’m so sad for Wesley’s family & Wesley, but I’m also so sad for you to experience that. It’s hard enough to see an animal that is suffering, but I feel like there’s an added pain when it’s the same animal as one of your pets.

Please be sure to be extra gentle with yourself ❤️
@legend28 That's awful.... I can't believe that truck driver didn't notice you. I'm so sorry this happened. Can't express enough sorrow, what a kind and brave person you are. It could have been 2 hurt instead of 1. You did an amazing thing. RIP Wesley. :'(
@legend28 OP you are an awesome human for stopping and comforting him in his final moments. I'm sure his owners can at least take solace in the fact his final moments weren't spent alone. RIP Wesley.