[RIP] Ozzy, Australian Shepherd, 14.5 yrs


New member
Ozzy - Sept 5 2006 - March 15 2021

My sweetest friend passed peacefully yesterday with all his humans and his dog brother at his side. After many adventures, he was just tired. His fuzzy paws couldnt carry him anymore.

Hiking was his favorite, right from a young dog. We put on so many miles. He even was my guide on a hike where we lost the trail due to high water runoff and got us back to where we'd had to go off thanks to his intelligence and some tracking training. In his later years, he cruised in his wagon when he couldnt walk as far as the young dogs.

He loved training and could have been a high level Obedience dog if we'd started earlier and put in the work. In his younger years, he played in agility and herding. Those classes were expensive and hard to fit into my work schedule, so we moved to rally and tricks. He loved parkour type tricks and could balance on anything. He has a few titles that will permanently be part of his legacy: RI, RATI, CRO1, RLI-AOE, NTD.

He was always an adaptable dog. He lived with me in various homes, even at one point when we did not have a home. He was always a key figure in the dates with my then BF, generally a walk in a park. He wormed his way into that BF's heart and got to pose with us in our engagement photos. He accompanied us on many vacations, camped, stayed in cabins, and even peed in the hallway of the Fairmont Banff (oops, old dog bladder just couldnt make it outside.)

I could write about a dog that special forever, 14 years has so many memories. Our last week we filled with as many has possible. Cheeseburgers for supper, pupachinos for snacks, visits with friends, picnics at the park, wading in the river, cuddles on the couch.

As a baby

Hiking as a young dog

Earning on online title during covid

One of our last vacations

in his wagon

With his little bro

My favorite photo of him as an older dog, taken last year.

Edit: Thank you for the many kind words and awards. Ozzy would be happy that he’s touched so many people.
@godsgal41 I’m so sorry for your loss. Ozzy was well-known and well-loved here and obviously at home as well.

"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." - A.A. Milne
@jenliny One of the hard things about being a regular on this sub is that the losses start to feel almost personal after a while. I normally don’t read RIP posts, but when it’s a dog/user that I recognize, I always take the time to read and comment; I’ve definitely cried over them as if they were my own dog before. There’s such a wonderful sense of community here; when a regular is grieving, we all grieve with them, and that’s a really beautiful thing.
@trancamhongkgv This is so true. I love reading everyone's updates on their dogs so much, and I think it's amazing that people who have never met them can still have so much affection for our dogs, including during difficult times like these.
@trancamhongkgv Yeah I really enjoy reading about and seeing others’ dogs on here. It’s inevitable to have these posts but I’m glad we can find support from fellow ‘strangers’
@jenliny Next few days I’ll being saying goodbye to my pup of only two and a half years. This quote went in one eye and is pouring out the other. One that I’m holding onto.
@godsgal41 What an incredible life you provided for lovely Ozzy! Our shepherd is only 6, but I sometimes already dread losing her as she’s the BEST dog and companion I’ve ever had. I hope your Ozzy is enjoying his cheese burgers in heaven- if God is real, dogs are the best of their creations.
@godsgal41 Ozzy and you were such a great team. Reading about your life with Ozzy and then eventually Korbin has been such a staple of my r/dogs Reddit life over the past few years, and has always been something I have tried to aspire to. Rest in peace, sweet boy 💔
@godsgal41 What an amazing companion. Take comfort in knowing that in his last moments (and all the moments before), he knew he was surrounded by love.
@godsgal41 I’m so genuinely sorry. Ozzy was a very handsome boy and you seemed to have such a special bond with him. Hopefully this doesn’t sound creepy, but I’ve always loved seeing pictures of your beautiful dogs and adventures on Photo Fridays: it’s obvious that they have such a wonderful life with you.

Hugs to you and your family right now. ❤️