RIP Murphy 3-1-2015 - 1-21-2023 (Recent Osteosarcoma Post)

@brendabree I am so sorry to hear about Murphy. So hard losing a beloved member of the family. You did the best for him and he lived a great life with you and your family.
@brendabree Thank you for sharing him with us. He was so so beautiful and so so loved. I’m so glad he had you and I’m so so sorry for your loss. Run in peace friend Murphy.
@brendabree I can't stop crying, I can feel the love you have for Murphy as well as your pain and heartache of losing him too soon. I've never had a pup that I was connected to like I am with our Sprout. It's different from even the other two fur babies we have now. I would be devastated if something like this happened. You just can't emotionally prepare for this. I'm so very sorry for your loss and hope you are able to find comfort in his memories that you are sharing with all of us. I love his pictures, he's a beautiful boy. Praying for your peace and sweet Murphy's.
@richst6616 Thank you so much! Its just not fair how deep our connection potential is vs the amount of time we get with them. They deserve to live for 40 years. Maybe CRISPR can help with this.
@brendabree Im sorry for your loss. He looks like a great dog. Im glad he gave you so many amazing years and you the same to him.

Also what is up with vets misdiagnosing ccl tears? When we adopted our first he had lived at the vets to gain weight for 3 months before coming to the shelter. We noticed he could barely walk and brought him back to that same vet to ask what was up. He was adamant his ccl was torn and told us he told the adoption agency the same. He literally called in the travel surgeon, put our dog under and shaved him for the surgery, and the surgeon said “his ccl is fine. He has 4 broken bones that are still healing”.
@03km0 OMG. I don't know why they don't image immediately like they do in humans. Must be a cost thing. Most vets in the US will also sedate for xrays. Maybe that's why?
@brendabree Our vet had xrays 🙈 but yes, thats usually probably the case — to save people money. Youd be surprised at how many people just dont think a pet is worth a big vet bill; sometimes just taking your pet is a lot to people.
@brendabree I read your whole post and am glad you shared with us how much Murphy meant to you. He has the same eyes as my pup, who I’m giving an extra hug tonight. I don’t intend to have children but I understand what you mean about Murphy showing you that you could be a great father. “Pet parent” is sometimes seen as a silly term but for some critters that nurturing relationship is really there. My mom raised two kids and she’s seen me do whatever is takes for my pup, and she tells me I’m a great mom (she also says my 4-year-old dog is as difficult as a human baby, haha). I also work from home so she never leaves my side. I am so sorry for the loss of Murphy - the love you shared with always be with you.