RIP Hopey, 9 1/2 year old Labradoodle


New member
I grew up a kid with horrible allergies. Could never have a pet. Fast forward to I'm an adult and prior to my annual doctor appointment, my 10 yo daughter hands me a list of questions to ask him. On there is "Can we get a dog?". I'm thinking no way is he going to say yes. So I go and get tested for allergies and the doc says "Good news, you are not allergic to dogs anymore". Hmmm. That's interesting. So the wife and daughter start looking into dogs and to play it safe we end up getting a Labradoodle. She's been great. A few years later, they want another one. So we get one from the same breeder. Her name was Hope.

Hope turns out to be a very anxious dog. Always giving and wanting affection. She loved us more than anything. She was the playful, goofy dog. Did this mouth licking thing when she got nervous that was like slapstick comedy. I am an early riser and she always got up with me. Always there in the morning, wagging her tail, wanting and receiving pets. Sometimes I would try to sneak by so I would not wake her and have to give all of that attention. It's funny how now all you want is that "annoyance" back.

A few months ago, Hope, now 9 1/2 years old, was diagnosed with cancer of the lymph node. We had it removed, and she was on chemotherapy for a bit and did not tolerate it well. Last week she went downhill some more, and stopped eating. We spent most of the weekend at the vet ER and made the tough decision to put her at peace yesterday.

Now with her gone I am being hit very hard by how much I miss her. This morning I woke up and turned on the light where she would be sleeping and was sad she was not there to greet me. This little dog, so playful, so fun, so goofy, brought me so much joy. A pet I never thought I could have brought so much joy to my life.

I have gone through many stages of grief, sadness and relief. When she was first diagnosed, I thought "she will beat this, no way is cancer taking our Hopey." On Friday when she needed to go to the ER I still thought she would be fine and come out Ok. Then Saturday came and we found out she probably only had a few more days to live. We brought her home to give her some time with us and her older sister. But she had just gone downhill too much.

Early yesterday we made the toughest decision and put her at peace. I was relieved that the decision was made but was overcome with grief when the time came. When we got home the void became real. I'm trying to focus on how much joy she brought us but it's tough in this time.

I am posting this because I Hope (haha) it will help me with the grieving process. Thanks in advance for your emotional support.

Rest in peace Hopey. You brought us so much joy and we love and miss you so much.
@ella85 So sorry op. She sounds like she was a great pup that loved your family very much.

A poem for Hopey:

In the realm of the Labradoodle Hope, a cherished companion true,
A poem shall weave her story, for she meant the world to you.
An early riser, you were met by her loving gaze,
Together you embraced each day, in a tender morning haze.

With every sun-kissed dawn, her tail would joyfully sway,
Eagerly seeking your affection, she brightened up your day.
No slumber could keep her from your side, for she adored your touch,
So you'd tip-toe, attempting to sneak past, but she loved you just too much.

Her loyalty knew no bounds, for she loved with all her might,
A furry bundle of happiness, bringing laughter and delight.
Playful and goofy, she'd romp through the fields with glee,
Her spirit forever vibrant, filling your hearts with jubilee.

Oh, sweet Hope, a beacon of love so pure,
Your presence brought comfort, of that we can be sure.
You graced their lives with boundless joy, a treasured furry friend,
Leaving cherished memories that eternally transcend.

Though time may have taken her physical form away,
Her spirit dances in the sunrise, forever there to stay.
For in the depths of your heart, her love will forever reside,
Hope, your faithful companion, always by your side.

So let the morning sun embrace you with its gentle light,
As sweet Hope's love shines on, forever in your sight.
In memories, in laughter, and in each wag of the tail,
Hopey's legacy of love will never fail.
@ella85 Damn.

Read this before bed and found myself crying for the first time ever reading a reddit post.

Im so so sorry for your loss, friend ❤️.

The reason this one hit is that I too used to be allergic - and still am (Hedberg reference to lighten the mood), but was able to get a doodle with my partner 5 years ago. Now I love this dog so much for all the reasons we all love our pets and probably weekly or bi-monthly automatically remind myself that this is not forever. The literally every day laugh out loud moments, general cuteness (our dog is very fond of closeness and so are we), walks etc. are all things I will have to give up in due time and I know it will forever change me. Its risky business getting a dog.

The pain will recede like with all things, just remind yourself that you gave a living thing years and years of love and fun. Thats quite a thing. I hope I remember it when I have to one day let go.

@echo73 I have a doodle as well, turning 5 this year. My eyes well up and my heart hurts when I think about a life without her. I tell my family, I won’t be able to live through it and they say I will be fine. But she is my best friend and I never thought I could feel this level of love for something like I do with her. The bond we have with our fur babies is so special, unlike anything else. So sorry for your loss OP, I am thinking of you. ❤️