[RIP] Evee, Beagle, 8


New member
Today, we said goodbye way too soon...
I got my baby in 2012, near my last year of high school, and she accompanied me throughout all my years in college.

You see, Evee was always such a weird beagle. Beagles are energy balls, and pretty big. While she was small, and such a... couch potato. She seriously loved to lay on the arm of our couch like a small Sphinx and lookout to everyone in the house. She also knew pretty well when SHE wanted attention, that little jerk. She would ignore us all day long, except for my mom who she followed around all day around of course, but if she felt like getting a good scratch on her ears and some belly rubs from anyone else, she knew right away where we would be. And we would be delight to give her all the love she deserved, like we always did even if she would ignore us.

Between the end of October and the beginning of november, she fell ill. She had chronic kidney disease, and that startled us right away. When we got the results: Erlichiosis.
But she was stubborn and fought that damn thing like a true champ. She had to stay with the vet for 5 days. However, by the end of the treatment, her kidneys where too damaged, and she also started to get pretty anemic.

Again, new treatment, and her list of medicines to take only grew (we would stay awake until around 1-2AM to finish giving them all). Around that time, she stopped eating, so we had to feed her with a syringe on her mouth...

On Tuesday, we noticed she stumbling, and things went downhill from there. She had a spike on her blood pressure and lost her sight partially. Increase medicine, going to the vet two times a day to check on her blood pressure.
On Thursday morning, she had to stay on the vet again. Her kidneys started to give in, as she was having a difficult time getting water without seeing a thing (we were giving her water through the syringe too)

But today, my baby has rested. I’ve cried, blamed myself for not doing more, blaming for getting stressed while giving her medicine (she was stubborn enough to spit anything at us)... I loved her so much, but these last few months were so hard on her, on us...
I know that at least she is not suffering anymore, but damn I miss her... and I don’t know how I’ll cope with it...

Evee, you little weirdo, thanks for keeping me company all this time.

Update: Everyone, thank you so much for such, such kind words. Me and my family are still grieving, and we will be for some time, but your words really helped us to be a little more at ease.
Again, thank you very much.
@hopingandhoping I'm so sorry for your loss, it is such an awful choice to make but a beautiful gift to give to let our babies go. Feel your feelings, talk about her often and when you are ready get another dog. You aren't trying to replace Evee, you are just giving all the love you never got to give Evee to another dog who needs it.
@shyguy1813 Thank you both so much.

Her remaining medicine and kibble will be actually donated for a shelter whom I know the owner. She (Evee) may not have any use for them now, but the thought that it may help other sickly dogs, makes my heart feel at ease.

We will be, probably, getting another dog in the future from that same shelter.

Again, thank you all very much.
@hopingandhoping It’s never easy. Please forgive yourself for the times you were stressed when you gave her medicine. So many of our sweeties are far from sweet when it’s medicine time. After it’s done they end up still loving us.

I’m sure Evee is looking down and wanting you to remember the good days. Try to do that, but let yourself grieve when you need to. My husband and I lost many, many animal companions over our forty years together. The last one was our Beagle, Buddy. Buddy showed up at our farmhouse around five years of age and lived with us for ten years. My husband loved all our animals, but Buddy was the dog of his heart. His grief was intense and never left him. My husband died two years after Buddy and I know they’re together. You’ll see your sweet Evee again.
@nomz84 I'm really lost at words. My symphaties for you, and thank you so much for coming forward and sharing such beautiful words.

When I read about the medicine, that in the end she would still love us, I couldn't help but cry a little more, but with reliefe. The idea that she might have thought, for a second, that we didn't love her because of that one bad momento crushed my heart so much. I do feel a little more better now.

I'm sure we will all see our dear ones again. Mjw, thank you so much.
@godsgirlsara Thank you so much. I've spent the morning looking at her old photos. I've sobbed a bit, but those memories are warming my heart. For sure, all those memories, the good and silly, will be my comfort for a long time.
@hopingandhoping I had to euthanize my dog Ruby yesterday at 8 years old after an 8 month battle with cancer and it was absolutely miserable. I laid there with her as the anesthetic kicked in and she just drifted off, and then I listened and felt as she took her last breaths and I kept looking in her eyes and petting her.

You just always think you have more time. The worst part for me is feeling like she only got to live half her life, and I missed the first two whole years because I adopted her in 2014.

I'm so sorry for your loss and it sounds like you had a lovely dog. Knowing someone else is going through the same feelings I am also helps, so thank you for sharing.
@southwestforests I am so sorry about Ruby. I lost furbabies this week too. Know that she loved you and you have nothing to be guilty for. She came into your life right on time. You'll never replace but in time adopt another dog. There are so many with so much to give
@southwestforests I'm so sorry for Ruby, you have my symphaties. I'm sure she also fought it like a true fighter, and you were also with her till the very end, so she knew how loved she was.

And yes, we always wish for more time, but the time that has passed is also precious. I'm sure, just like I did with my precious Evee, you showered her with all the love she needed and deserved. And for her and us, it's those moments that will matter.

Thank you too, for sharing about her. I'm wishing the best for you and your family.