[RIP] Chloe, Mutt, 17

Inspired by “Best Last Day” stories I'd read on the internet, my husband and I decided to do the same for our pup long before the final day came. I am posting here in the hopes that I might inspire you as well.

On a beautiful sunny day this past fall, my husband and I euthanized our girl, Chloe. The decision was a long time coming. We did it at home in the backyard in the soft grass. She fell asleep while eating freshly grilled top sirloin steak and felt no fear or anxiety at that moment. As far as deaths go, it was a beautiful one. Up until that point we gave her a "Best Last Day."


(All pictures can be seen here: in one stream)

First we started the morning off right with an Egg McMuffin for each of us. https://ibb.co/jX1EVG

Then we went on a walk. Kind of. https://ibb.co/hhzRAG

And took a nap in the grass: https://ibb.co/kwHJPb

And then she smiled while I told her how perfect and gorgeous she was in EVERY SINGLE WAY. https://ibb.co/eQTExw

For lunch we bought a big top sirloin steak https://ibb.co/cWyNHw

That she ate in about 10 seconds flat. https://ibb.co/kdJiPb

She mostly napped until it was time. And when it was my husband walked our girl down the ramp and laid her in the grass and until she fell asleep eating steak.

Bye baby: https://ibb.co/hgJpxw

10 Fun Chloe Facts

1) Chloe was a pound puppy. We adopted her from an Iowa shelter in April 2002 (I was still in college!). They estimated her age at that time as 1 ½ years. Chloe on her freedom ride in 2002. https://ibb.co/kzT6cw

2) When we adopted Chloe she was pregnant! No one knew until a month later…

3) Chloe has traveled and camped in 16 states! Herding sheep in WA. https://ibb.co/gZEjVG

4) Chloe has swam in both the Atlantic (Gulf of Mexico) and the Pacific Ocean!

5) At the age of 14, during an X-Ray, we discovered 3-4 bbs, which probably happened BEFORE we adopted her. Either that or I have a terrible memory.

6) Chloe nursed a kitten in 2002. I found it disturbing. Chloe and ‘that kitten’ - https://ibb.co/h00V4b

7) Which of the following has Chloe eaten?
A. A pound of Twizzlers nibs
B. An entire loaf of bread.
C. an entire turkey thawing on the counter. (it was small, but still!)
D. An entire pizza from Papa John’s.
E. All of the above.
CORRECT ANSWER: all of the above.

8) The animal shelter called her a Blue Heeler Mix, but the DNA test said she was part Rottie, Lab, Pit, Vizla, Belgian Malinois and 40% unidentifiable Mutt.

9) Chloe survived cancer (fibrosarcoma/peripheral nerve sheath tumor) in 2014 and went on to live another 3 years without a reoccurrence.

10) Chloe was approximately 17 years old when we chose to euthanize her based on complications of degenerative myelopathy and kidney failure. (The ramp we built: https://ibb.co/dbFPkb) 17 for Chloe’s size (50-55lbs) is about 98 in people years!

  • I trained Chloe to do the military crawl, like what those German Shepherds do to get under barbed wire. Our vet was really impressed with that one.
  • Chloe had a submissive grin she used whenever she was guilty of something terrible, like eating an entire uncooked turkey.

    Thanks for reading. It means a lot to me.
@imagebeastmarkbeast Thank you. It was easier than it looks. Two pieces of plywood screwed together and supported with 2x 4s . The "railings" are garden trellises and then I put down a bunch of door mats for traction. Later I added more rubber traction strips for the winter. I'd say the whole thing was about $100-120 to build and she used it for about a year and a half. We used baby gates to block off the gaps at the top and bottom of the stairs ( otherwise she might have tried to use them.)
@allspiceberry143 So many people wouldn't go through all that though...You were both so lucky to have each other. Looks like you had a really amazing bond. RIP you good girl and hang in there OP...I know how devastating it can be.
@allspiceberry143 We had to put our dog to sleep today too. It hurts so bad and you can't really communicate that to your dog. They are important parts of our lives. You did everything for your dog as did we, Chloe had a great life because of you.
@dkarla I'm so sorry. Don't force yourself to feel anything other than what you're feeling. It's perfectly okay to be sad or angry after a loss. Our dog friends often become as much a part of our families as our siblings and children are. Be kind to yourself today
@dkarla Sorry to hear. It really sucks and don't force the happiness, the grief of the loss will never really go away but hopefully after time it will become more bearable
@allspiceberry143 I have tears in my eyes reading this. I couldn't imagine how hard it is to make that decision and spending the last day with your baby knowing it's the last time you will see her.

I have 2 Pomeranians at home 2.5y female and 1.5y male and couldn't imagine losing them. Even though they can get frustrating, they are and always be my babies and best friends.

I hope you guys are well and you gave Chloe a great life full of love and excitement.

Rest Well Chloe