[RIP] Appache, my lovely Golden Retriever, 15 years old

Today I lost my friend, my brother.

My parents adopted him when I was 5yo, he has been there for 3/4 of my life.

He was the nicest dog I've ever met, he did never bite, was never agressive toward us and was always looking for hugs.

He was funny and always looked happy near us.

I don't fcking know what to write, I just want to immortalize him somewhere on the Internet.

He loved us and we loved him during all his life, I will miss him.

Sorry for my bad English.

@everlastingfootprint The loss is hard. Don’t try to hold it in—cry when you feel like crying. Cry loud and ugly if you want to. Grieve for your dog, he deserves that honour. Come onto forums like this and share if you need, there are so many people on here who know what you’re going through and reading their empathy can give some consolation. There’s no way around it, just straight through. Time WILL ease it, but unfortunately you cant fast-forward life, much as you might want to.
@windflow I agree about crying out loud! Because what you may not realize is this... THEY ARE CLEANSING TEARS! THEY ARE TEARS FROM THE HEART! And NEVER Feel embarrassed or ashamed of those tears! If need be, go in your bedroom and close the door! To be honest, I went into closet! And I cried and cried until I had no tears left. I even rocked back and forward. AND then I prayed to God that Bailey, my consent companion was in a happy place... Trust me on this!
@everlastingfootprint Losing a dog is the worst thing in the world. Try to think of how he would want you to feel. He wouldn’t want you to be sad. Cry when you have to cry but know that you will see him again someday and that until then he’s as happy as he ever was.
@everlastingfootprint Definitely ugly crying. We just adopted our first family dog, an 8 week old Bowzer my five year old son named Grover. He is my son’s best and only friend (as we are back to hardcore isolation mode). I hope they get to enjoy a long and happy childhood together like you and your pup did.
@everlastingfootprint He looks so happy. You did that. Your family
did that. You gave him a wonderfully happy life and he repaid it with his own unconditional and unyielding love. You will never lose those experiences. I am so sorry for your loss because it is a deep pain. You will get through it.
@okafor1886 It goes something along the lines of there's a place where your pets can play to their hearts content, with other people and animals in a great forest where they wait until their human joins them and then they can cross the bridge to their next life. I haven't worded it as eloquently as you can probably find online, it's been a while since I read it