[RIP] Blitz, Belgium Malinois, 9


New member
Good evening everyone. I was just wanting to talk about the best dog in the world, in my opinion, which is my dog Blitz! He's a Belgium Malinois that I've had for going on 8 years and is the absolute best dog I could have ever hoped to have met!

Blitz and I met roughly 8 years ago while I was on the job performing pest control. I knew this family had small dogs but I nearly pooped myself when this massive beast came out from under their truck barking at me. It turns out someone had tossed him out of the back of a truck a few weeks earlier which lead to him breaking his rear right leg. The family couldn't take care of him and were going to take him to the pound to be put down unless I could take him off their hands. I had just moved into a new place and owning a dog was against the lease so I told them I couldn't but, right as those words were coming out of my mouth, this dog came over to me and let me pet him and when I did he just did the heaviest lean with soul piercing puppy dog eyes I've ever felt and seen and snatched my heart away. Lease be damned as I going to take this dog with me and be homeless if I had to!!!

Over the next several months I transition Blitz from an outside dog, who absolutely hated my neighbors motorcycle, to an inside dog, who absolutely loved eating through the drywall. ;-) I eventually moved to another city and into an apartment by myself and, sadly, could not take him out as often as I'd like. Blitz is such a stubborn dog that he refused to go to the restroom inside even if I was working 16+ hours, and yes, I had the pads down for him. I mean, he would wait all that time for me to take him out and stand there for 5 minutes just staring at the sky letting the flood gates rage open. I know that's not the best habit but nothing I could do changed it.

Fast-forward a few months more and Blitz helped me snag a girlfriend who is now my wife, if that isn't the best wing man then I don't know what is! Blitz and I have been through everything over the past decade we've been together and that's why my wife and I started to get worried this past October. For the better part of the last month Blitz has been having an issue going to the restroom, loss of appetite, and several other problems so we took him to multiple vets that couldn't figure out what was going on. Eventually we took him to the University of Georgia Veterinary School on to see if they could figure anything out. After several pokes and prods and numerous tests they informed us that he has a very aggressive form of cancer in his lungs, stomach, large and small intestines, liver, and pancreas. I can't remember exactly what kind of cancer they said it was but it spread to all of those areas in the the last 30-45 days.

My big, drywall eating, biggest bladder ever, best friend and wing man is dying and there's nothing that we can do about it! We've decided that we will lay him to rest this Sunday to end his suffering but we are going to make tomorrow the best damn day of his amazing life!!! I know this turned into a downer post but I just wanted to share that the best damn dog anyone could ever hope to have as a companion is going to be passing away this weekend but I'm going to do everything I can to make the last few days I have with him the best damn days of his life.

I don't know why I'm sharing this with you all but if you read all that then thank you and I hope you and your best friend(s) have a long and happy life together like we have. Make sure you cherish each and every moment like it's the last because you never really know when that last day will be.

UPDATE: If anyone would like to see what all we did you can view it here.
@marktina9767 I have a Belgian Malinois named Blitz too. We will think of you and play ball together in the yard on Sunday in celebration of your amazing Blitz’s life. I’m so sorry you have to say goodbye to him.
@lourdes When I rescued him I though he was just a weird looking German Shepherd so I thought I'd do a play on Blitzkrieg. Still suits him 100% because he's as fast as lightning!
I want to thank everyone for all the support shown. When I think of how much fun he's going to have tomorrow it puts a huge smile on my face but then I remember why and I can't help but to sob. I've had plenty of pets growing up but this is the first time I've ever had one that I had to put down. I want to have kids one day but I can't even begin to imagine what I would feel like if something were to happen to them when my big boy makes me feel this bad already!
@marktina9767 I'm 62 years old and have had dogs in my life the entire time. My parents preferred small terriers, but I preferred larger dogs. Ended up being a MWD handler in the Army for awhile and really fell for GSDs and Mals. I remember each and every dog that has passed through my life. The saddest day is the final day when you have to put them to sleep to end any suffering, but it is the right thing to do for respect of your best friend. They are never gone and will stay in your heart until the day that you die. As I write this I have two of the sweetest Rottweilers, my girls, laying at my feet. The following is the Military Working Dog Creed, but in many ways when I think of this creed, I think of every loyal dog.

Guardians of the Night.

Trust in me my friend for I am your comrade. I will protect you with my last breath when all others have left you and the loneliness of the night closes in, I will be at your side. Together we will conquer all obstacles, and search out

those who might wish harm to others. All I ask of you is compassion and the caring touch of your hands. It is for you that I will unselfishly give my life and spend my nights unrested.

Although our days together may be marked by the passing of the seasons, know that each day at your side is my reward. My days are measured by the coming and going of your footsteps. I anticipate them at every opening of the door. You are the voice of caring when I am ill. The voice of authority when I've done wrong.

Do not chastise me unduly for I am your right arm, the sword at your side. I attempt to do only what you bid of me. I seek only to please you and remain in your favor. Together you and I shall experience a bond only others like us will understand when outsiders see us together their envy will be measured by their disdain. I will quietly listen to you and pass no judgment, nor will your spoken words be repeated. I will remain ever silent, ever vigilant, ever loyal. And when our time together is done and you move on in the world remember me with kind thoughts and tales, for a time we were unbeatable, nothing passed among us undetected.

If we should meet again on another street I will gladly take up your fight, I am a Military Working Dog and together we are guardians of the night.

Godspeed Blitz.
@marktina9767 My Mal is Sarge, and he is an 11 year old. He wants you all to have the best day ever. Remember, dogs live in the moment, make each moment count. Our love is with you and this beautiful, good boy.
@marktina9767 Let’s rejoice in the fact that the split decision you made when you took him home not only changed your life but his forever. Not a lot of people would have done what you did in that situation, not only did you give him a home, but an opportunity at a greater value of life. You gave him the chance to enjoy a hell of a lot more time in this world and by the looks of the tomahawk comment, he was much more than a companion, he was family. He helped you love and grow that family, so maybe he was brought into your life for that purpose. Nevertheless, he seems like one hell of a goodboy, all thanks to you and that decision.
@marktina9767 I had the sweetest rescue pit named Perry until this January when his stomach cancer was too advanced to fix anything. For the last few days before putting him down, I fed him like a king- a sirloin one day, cut up (easier for him to digest with his cancer), chicken and rice with veggies, but mostly chunky soups that stopped his vomiting and bloody diarrhea. He even was able to go on a short walk. I loved that dog. I bet Blitz is going to love his steak, and I hope your last moments with him are the best you can make of this horrible situation. Happy eating Blitz!
@diamonife1998 Oh, I'm going to record just about everything! I don't know if it's appropriate to post videos but I feel like sharing this important time will somehow allow his memory to become even bigger and better and to live on forever.
@marktina9767 Beautiful boy! Thank you for sharing. I have a 9-year-old female. Your post made me cry... I can't think about the day I lose her. She has been with through so much. My partner in life. 😭🐕💔why do they have to go so soon?

"Animals' lives are too short to treat them unkindly." -kindanimalservices.com