[Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering


New member
The past few months I was invited by some acquaintances to do things like go on a wknd trip or go hiking and when I say I’m sorry I don’t have anyone to watch my dog and I can’t bring him, immediately I’m being lectured about how it’s bc I’m too meek and passive and I need to be aggressive with my dog and show I’m “the alpha”. The best part is these people don’t even f*cking have dogs and have never had them or had little teacup sized ones. I’m a pretty small person (5’1 ½”) and I have a chubby small Dane (135lbs) that is fear based dog reactive bc he’s been attacked so much in the past bt unleashed dogs. I’ve only had him for 2.5yrs but he’s a fantastic dog minus he’s reactivity. I’m firm with him but I refuse to yell/scream and inflict any sort of crude “dominance” when he freaks out over a dog. Instead we just turn and walk away or I get him excited to jog w me while I’m really trying to hide a good blind spot so he can’t see the oncoming dogs. It works for us. I’ve tried a trainer and it made things 1000xs worse and at his old age, I just want him to enjoy his walks.

So why the f*ck are these ppl I don’t even really know and more importantly who DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO HAVE A REACTIVE DOG OR EVEN A DOG giving me shit?? I had this girl go off on me talking about how my dog thinks he owns me and he’s walking me I’m not walking him. She doesn’t even know my dog, our walks or anything about me yet she “already knows” 🙄 another guy was is pretty scrawny and like 2” taller than me was talking all this crap about how my dog doesn’t respect me because I’m not seen as “alpha” and I need to discipline him and show him who is boss. Maybe that’s worked for him and his teacup yorkie, but my dog is perfectly fine the way he is and the most lovable dog I’ve ever had the pleasure of having!! Ugh I’m so frustrated with these stupid ass comments, but I learned when I try to politely refute their unsolicited shit, they just try to force their opinions even more like it’s fact when they’ve never even met my dog! So I’ve stopped bothering to even correct them and say well whatever the case, I won’t be able to join so enjoy your trip/hike.

TLDR: I’m sick of ignorant non-dog owners shoving their stupid “facts” in my face like they know so much about dogs and I don’t know what I’m doing when I’ve had dogs my whole life and go out of my way to read as many resources/books about training and relationships. Rant over thanks for letting me get this off my chest!
@kaccy It’s okay; you sound like a responsible good dog owner.

The whole alpha / dominance theory is still commonly believed by many dog owners so it’s not surprising it’s more commonly believed among non-dog owners.

A lot of people like to boost their own ego by offering unsolicited advice on topics they know very little about.
@aishaaa Thanks mystic_starmie! It’s just so frustrating especially when they’re so aggressive about things and believe they know everything! I just bite my tongue and and keep my distance from them lol Thanks for the support!!
@kaccy Exactly, and the worst part is when they're older and they think they know better than me (19F) just because of the age difference, when in fact I'm the one studying and taking classes and they only have "experience". And don't try to tell them they're wrong because they won't even let you get that far and they'll start interrupting you so they don't have to hear your argument about why they're wrong. It's so annoying. The worst part is I could leave, but most of the time I feel bad about leaving if our dogs are playing together and stay, so I just start cursing their name in my head hoping they shut up.
@skybienhoa Oh mannnnn!! I HATE ageism!! God I’m so sorry you have to go through that! Yea that’s definitely frustrating!! Personally I used to come across a lot of ppl who treated me like I know little to nothing bc I’m a girl. It’s so frustrating and aggravating but then you add in ageism and I’m just ready to pull my hair out!! lol I’m glad you can tune them out but I am sorry to hear you gotta deal w that BS!
@aishaaa It’s tough too because, like us, they’re so convinced that they’re right and dominance is real. You’d never get me to change my mind and start following dominance theory, no matter how many bs articles you send me. Sadly, dominance people won’t change their mind regardless of what you show them or how much logic you use
@lundberry What if someone sent you peer reviewed, scientific studies proving that dominance theory does exist? Obviously those studies don't exist but I don't think the two sides are comparable. One only has BS personal articles, the other has scientific research to back it up.

If people who believe in Dominance Theory really want to learn the truth and grow their knowledge, there are a ton of scientific resources and papers available that prove the theory wrong. However, there are no studies that I have ever found that support it.
@rishley Oh no, I totally agree, they’re not really comparable but I find it’s extremely difficult to change someone’s mind about dominance theory.

If someone was able to provide a legit study proving dominance theory I’d definitely look into it, I don’t think I’d change my mind since why would I want to make my dogs uncomfortable?

I’m definitely not trying to legitimize dominance theory in any way, more just saying it’s really hard to change someone’s mind on this. They take Cesar Milan as an expert and prefer “the way they’ve always learned it” as opposed to scientific evidence
@lundberry Totally understand where you are coming from, I was just curious! Over a decade ago I believed in "Dominance Theory" and used to love CM but the second I actually opened my eyes and started reading a switched so fast!!

Why would I want my dog to "behave" and "submit" when we could be partners and enjoy our time together and still accomplish great things?! And the science is there whether people choose to believe it or not. We can only hope that one day it just "clicks" for everyone.
@rishley I love that you go straight to peer reviewed scientific studies! I’m all about scientific journals and studies, though admittedly I haven’t read through any of the studies- just the abstracts. I just feel like a natural nurturing relationship works wonders between all creatures whether humans w each other or humans w animals. Trust is so important, not who is tougher. That’s my belief and I’m sure plenty believe im naive and stupid for that but like I said, it works for me and my dog! Thanks for your comment and letting me vent!
@lundberry this reminds me of a person who made her dog fearfull and reactive by following dominace/alpha stuff.

The dog was better behaved then mine now, but then she started to watch a dog trainer online and her dog is a fearfull, reactive mess - insecure and scared of his own shadow.

Our dogs are the same age, by the day, but different breeds - the same size tho and a similar temprament.

Mine is generally well behaved now, hers was better behaved as a puppy. Then she started all the dominance stuff while i worked more with positive training, as my trainers also told me.

Now she tries to get me to watch trainers with domiance therory and stuff - since i "don't show her whos boss" i don't need that. My dog listens anyway. I tried to tell her that all of this alpha is bullshit but she won't belive me and say "look at cesar milan" and the animal curelty charges he has are "fake news". I am going to take her to my dogschool, maybe the trainers will knock some sense into her.
@imagebeastmarkbeast Oh dang! This person sounds like a mess! Seriously?! The charges are “fake news”? 🤦🏻‍♀️ oh mannn, his followers sure are loyal! I’m glad you’re not falling for that! I wish her good but I wish you the best for putting up w her lol
@kaccy i realy hope the trainers in our dogschool will help her understand. They are non-nonsense people that will scold you if you belive such lies. If they can't explain it to you - and will throw you out if needed. Considering this is the only place she can learn the sport she wants (shutzhund, why do "alpha" people always want to do this sport?) close by, it should give her a reson to listen.

Tho i think with a scared dog you should do NO bite sports.
@lundberry Damn you Lurker5280 lol you’re 100% right by saying “just like us”! You’re absolutely right, I’ll never change my mind about dominance theory being crap either! I never saw it that way though lol guess they probably think I’m just as arrogant and ignorant as I think they are! 😂😂 to each their own, right? I say it’s my dog so they can shut it and keep their opinions to themselves lol thanks for the input Lurker! You definitely put my butt in check and humbled me! ❤️
@kaccy I'd be tempted to obnoxiously lecture them back, as in "Ok guy, enough about my dog...you're losing your hair. Let me tell you about how you should rub 6 cloves of garlic on your head at bedtime for regrowth". Or "Ooooo, that's a nasty zit you got going. I read on facebook you should stare at the sun an hour a day for those healing UV rays".

Your relationship with your dog is just as personal, and they need a little blowback.
@dogwoodfan I think after 2 seasons you’re a seasoned professional and they send you a certificate or something, right? LOL jk ugh where do non-dog owners get this insane idea they know anything about dogs? I’m sorry if that’s rude to say I should say I’m directing this specifically to the ones who really don’t know squat but think they do!! thanks for the comment it gave me a laugh! Sarcasm, the best medicine!! Thanks for reading my vent and letting me just let it all out!
@kaccy My brother has never owned a dog, but he's watched a lot of Dog Whisperer and has ALL of the solutions to my reactive doggo problems 🙄

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