[Rant] I’m so sick of non-dog owners “educating” me about how I need to show my dog I’m the alpha and be domineering

@whiteknightnews Awww that’s great that you learned from that and experience for yourself that it’s not the answer/solution! Sounds like you had a great relationship with Lady in the end and you have a great one with your pups now! You’re totally right, in my opinion I think teamwork and a symbiotic relationship is much healthier and functional than punitive dominance! Thanks for sharing your experience, I really appreciate it and loved learning about what you went through and what you got out of it!
@littleowlet Awwww!! I’m so sorry you had to witness that! That poor pup!! I remember someone told me to slam my dog down on its back and hold him down with my hand around his neck so he knows I’m boss. Ok first, my dog is like an inch or 2 taller than me when he stands up on two feet so basically I need to body slam my dog and choke him out bc that won’t freak him out??? I saw a guy literally punch the crap out of his dog IN THE FACE & when I yelled, “WTF!!”, this guy told me dogs need to know who is boss or they will take advantage. Total stranger and I just couldn’t believe what I saw. The look on that poor dog was just defeat. I just wanted to take that dog away from him! Thanks for sharing your story!
@mssonya84 Omg AlokFluff, thank you sooooo freaking much for your supportive words!!! Thank you thank you! Yea I don’t deal well with really aggressive know it all people but rather than engaging I just like to distance myself. And I totally wanted to have these ppl handle my dog on a walk just to watch them eat sh*t but I could never put my dog in a situation like that. Im more worried about the damage my dog would do to another dog and the damage lasting in my dog than these people lol they can be trampled and torn apart to learn how stupid they are lol I honestly don’t understand how it’s such a hard concept that if you continue to threaten a dog, it will become so fearful that one day it will snap out of fear to protect itself!
@kaccy "Scared dogs bite. You really think I ought to make a dog that can lick my face from the floor think that I'm an existential danger that'll throw down for a fight at the theft of a hat? I should fight a fucking dog. Are you stupid?"

" No, I'm pretty sure I understood you. I should act like a big scary thing to a dog that I keep away from other dogs so that he doesn't panic and kill one. Feed the anxiety disorder of the potential murder machine."

Continue mocking in that vein until conversation partner is red.
@kaccy No problem. Rude people earn rude responses.

Cesar Millan and his dominance junk might achieve "results", but it's akin to burning your house down because you have spiders. Ok, yes, the spiders are gone, but at what cost?
@kaccy Whenever people say that alpha crap to me I just tell them to stop watching Cesar Milans reality tv show lol. You sound like a responsible dog owner so keep doing what you’re doing!
@santino Are you trying to tell me I shouldn’t believe reality tv??? Man, I’ve been taking my dating tips from Jersey Shore for years, you telling me that Pauly D is not a love expert?
@lundberry 🤣🤣🤣🤣 wait wait now now, hold on, Pauly D IS a love expert! Let’s not get crazy LOL JK JK!!! Yea I don’t get how people don’t realize reality tv is scripted and all fake! It seriously baffles me! Lol I’m still laughing that you brought up Pauly D!! 😂😂 my god thank you for this and for letting me vent! ❤️
@santino Awww thank you so much for that!! ❤️❤️❤️ I’d like to think I’m a responsible dog owner. My pup is my world and we have a great relationship! I don’t get why/how ppl watch Cesar Milan then believe THEY’RE pros! Like ok so they THINK he’s doing what’s necessary but no one sees the edits or what’s really going on behind the scenes yet suddenly they channel the power of Milan and believe they’re all knowing. So frustrating!! thanks for the support and kind words! And definitely thank you for letting me vent this out! I appreciate it and appreciate you!
@kaccy My teacher used to tell us that people who never study tend to talk like they know everything- The more they learn, the more humble they become. I understand your frustration, I stumbled upon one of those "know-all" type of person several times as well. I wish they could gather around all by themselves and give "lecture" to each other instead. World would be so peaceful that way...
@suzann Omg, I met this guy who kept bragging how he knows a lot of everything. It was the most painful 30min! LOL we were all having lunch and my friend tried to set me up w this guy, I spent the whole time eating and just saying oh? Wow. I see. Hmm.. lol TOTALLY agree it’d be so peaceful if these people just stuck together! Lol thanks for the love and letting me vent!
@kaccy the whole dominance bit is so old school based on outdated info on how wolf packs operate. you are doing right by your dog and while dominance training may appear to work for some, it seems to just as well break a dogs spirit as well as damage their bond with their people. time to find some new hiking buddies 💁
@lovecraftfan OMG THANK FREAKING YOU!!! Exactly!!! I personally believe the dominance training is sooo outdated and breaks trust w my dog! I got into an really loud argument w my dog nearby and he seemed so scared of me even though I wasn’t facing him or towering over him! I felt soooo awful he had to experience that, but it’s good it happened bc now I’m more cautious about tone and body language when he’s around! And yup, absolutely!! I don’t know why these people would think I’d ever want to hang out w them lol thanks for your comment, it felt so supportive! And thanks for letting me vent
@kaccy SO many stupid people out there just don't listen to them. It is not worth it. IMO your dog can sense your emotions so don't let their shit get you upset for your dogs sake. Best of luck (I have a 75pnd doberman) I love big dogs.
@boanerges1989 Aaahhhh Dobies!!!! I fostered one for like 5mo and fell in love with them!! If I wasn’t a die hard Dane fan, Dobies would be my next! Thanks for the support and comment and especially letting me vent this all out! I appreciate your words!
@kaccy I tend to respond to these with 'I did not invite you to give me your opinion'. My life is too short to try to educate all these people. I might try if they had dogs, because it might make their dog's life a bit easier, but otherwise.