oMg SHE’S so uGLy!! [rant]

@chris_1989 It’s all of these asshole pp I swear.

8 month old large yorkie thing, never been brushed or groomed. Mom was turned away Christmas Eve when our pipes burst. Was told she was matted etc he would keep as much as we could. She tried brushing to avail.
Few days later, drops off for groom. Before even seeing the dog on the phone kept saying to the groomer “you fucked up my dog” over and over.

Shows up and immediately calls someone “the kids gone be mad I don’t want this ugly ass thing anymore”

Yesterday was a matted shih tzu….we told mom there were mats at the initial cancelled bath appointment and for the grooming appointment. Groomer was able to use a FUCKIN 3. “Oh you fucked up dog” escalated threatening to beat everyone’s ass in the parking lot. :)
@carleyk There was a fairly well off woman that had 3 shih tzus in a full show coat. Never brushed them or bathed them, she would bring them in every 3-6 months. They were all 15+ years old, severely matted, feces and urine caked into their fur. The dogs didn't walk with a full stride because of it.

We would demat the dogs when they came in (one at a time) and it would take 6 hours for a full groom. Not a single whimper, bite or look from them because they were so used to it. She would not allow for the dogs to be shaved. The groomer I worked for offered heavy discounts to bring the dogs in at least every 3 months and even offered heavier discounts for monthly. They absolutely refused.

The last time the owner/groomer refused the dogs they were injured by less skilled groomers doing a demat. So we just kept grooming them, the owner actually lost money working on those 3 dogs. He said they're at the end of life stage so he wants to make sure they are as safe as possible.
@chris_1989 This 100% but also I think a #10 nose to toes on a doodle actually looks very cute it's like they turned into a lab with bigger floppy ears 🤣 it just doesn't look like a doodle anymore and it's their fault.
@chris_1989 It drives me absolutely up a wall. I think most doodles look really cute short. We have one that comes into the salon who absolutely HATES being brushed and belongs to an elderly couple who don't have the time/wherewithal to brush her regularly, and because they're actually really excellent owners who pretty much just care about her comfort, they keep her extremely short so they only really have to brush out her ears, which she doesn't mind as much. She's got great bone structure and looks so cute shaved down.

I do have to wonder if these owners throwing a fit have realized that it's much harder to hide the faults in their designer mutts when they're shaved down--the weird skull shape and toes pointed out and too deep chests or uneven legs.

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