[rant] You know who you are

@jandi I had a guy show up an hour and half late and than get mad that we wouldn't "atleast" do the nails on his dog bc in his tiny mind he thought since we reserve 3-4 hrs for each dog he still had an hour and half to have something done and even after I explained that I took on a different dog to fill his spot bc he didn't answer the phone when I called him he was still confused and upset🤦🏼‍♀️
@chris_1989 I cancel after 15 minutes and they get rescheduled to whenever I have time, which isn’t going to be soon. I make exceptions for some of my elderly people because I don’t want them to get into an accident. Canceling after 15 minutes straightened everyone out real quick. I have no tolerance for this crap anymore.

Same goes for no shows and last minute cancellations. You disrespect my time without a good excuse, you are going to pay me to make up for it.
@chris_1989 Always with the fucking attitude too lol. We literally send people several upcoming appt text reminders so when people start their BS about not know when their appointment was I get the satisfaction of asking them to please pull up their text reminder so we can confirm we didn’t make a mistake on our end. It’s never on our end 😘 The sheepish look is always hilarious after that
@lily_pilgrim Had a client show up 30 minutes late because “that’s the time the text told them”
I asked them to show me. She read the message wrong and still got upset that I wouldn’t take her dog. Surprise, it was a doodle owner.

After that we started sending texts as soon as the client is 5 minutes late asking them to either be there within 10 or reschedule. Saved us a ton of headaches that way
@chris_1989 My favourite is when instead of apologizing they immediately start telling you that they’ve actually been standing at the desk this whole time!! And it doesn’t matter if there’s in fact been someone waiting at the desk, that kind of person always doubles down.
@chris_1989 ok, this is a long one but i’ll share it..

at the end of August, a fella walked into our salon (maybe 40-50s) with a shih tzu.. he asks to book in for an appointment for later that afternoon .. we tell him that our salon is booking out about 2-3 weeks but we can book him and then add him to the cancellation list. he agreed. we booked him in for 2.5 weeks later. anyways, the day before, we always send out reminder calls for our dogs the next day to remind them of their appointment, and if not on file, we remind them to bring their proof of rabies vax.

the day of his appointment comes, this fella no-shows..
we call to see if he’d like to reschedule, no answer. we go on with our day. about a week later, this same fella walks in and asks to book an appointment with us.. i pull up his file, i let him know that he must show up to the next one if he books and he says he will.. we book him for 2 weeks later and remind him to bring the rabies certificate AGAIN (for the 3rd time) .. the appointment day arrives AGAIN .. he shows up for his 9:00am appointment at 9:17am (no warning given of lateness) .. anyways, i agree to still take his dog but id be adding an additional fee for him being late. but first, i need the proof of rabies (who knew???) .. i asked him for it, he acted FLABBERGASTED that i’m even asking for this!!! he started fumbling words and saying “i was never told i needed this! i do not have it with me!” and i said “sir, i booked both of your appointments, including the one you no-showed - i know for a fact that i reminded you to bring this verification 3x” and i turned my computer to him and showed him his previous appointment spot with “PP knows to being rabies proof”. He got SO defensive and said “f*k you all. i booked today off of work for this special appointment. i’ll be back in 45 minutes and you better take my dog.” and then he stormed out before i could even respond. *37 minutes later (so about an hour past his original apt time) he shows up and slams his paperwork on the table and said “there”. i said to him “are you looking to reschedule?” and he got SO nasty with me when i said that. he said “no, i have an appointment an hour ago” and i said “i do not have time for your dog as i have 2 dogs coming in 30 minutes and it’ll put me behind for my entire day” and he literally SAYS “that’s not my problem, you are obligated to take my dog”. i told him to please exit the salon and he will not be welcome back to our location. he got my name and left while swearing a bunch at us. well, he called back that day to LIE about the entire encounter saying i called his dog ugly and didn’t want to groom it.. thankfully, my salon manager was literally IN the salon when all of these encounters had happened earlier that day.

i hate people.
@chris_1989 Yes! It’s always the attitude out of them. It is not my fault you waltzed in here 30 minutes after your appointment. They clearly think the world revolves around them and that everyone should just bend to their will
@chris_1989 It’s especially awful when it’s the first dog of the day. It sets my entire day back and now people with later appointments that come in on time will be out later than they should be. It’s extremely inconsiderate of absolutely everyone. Sadly, our salon doesn’t have a strict policy against this and it’s a perpetual problem.
@beta2 Dogs later than maybe 20-30 minutes, depending on how busy I am (we have a required 15 minute grace period) get worked in around the dogs that arrive on time. If it takes 5-6 hours for them to get out, it takes 5-6 hours. Show up on time next time.

I tell them that at drop off if that's how it's going to work (not that they're getting worked around other dogs, specifically, but that they will be here a fair bit longer due to the lateness) and give them the opportunity to reschedule if they're not cool with that.
@chris_1989 Amen! My shops schedule is a little different where as all the dogs for the day are dropped off in the morning. Drop off time is from 8-9 and when 9 comes around my boss will call whomever didn’t show up yet to let them know they are scheduled for the day. She charges a no show fee for anyone who didn’t show up that day. And will charge a late fee if they are very late(9:30 is the cut off). She used to not really stick with charging late fees but she said fuck it they are adults who should remember their appointments. In fact beginning of this year she handed out notices to every client basically stating that she will charge a $30 no show fee and will charge a late fee. Also stating that when you don’t show up for your appointment her groomers lose money. So yeah fuck you if you are consistently late. Especially at my shop where like I stated you have an entire hour to drop your dog off.
@chris_1989 Y'all put up with soooo much. I'm sorry on behalf of owners who don't appreciate your time and expertise .

I joined this sub because I need to groom my dog at home. It's really anxiety inducing for her, so I do all except nails myself. My groomers are absolute rockstars! They were open to me bringing my pup by for multiple hello visits before even attempting her nails. They gave her a treat, let her sniff around the main area, and then we'd head home. ( Side note, they offered to do this completely free because they are a fear free groomer. I paid for a nail clip each time because I value their time. Plus! They have allowed me to stay and get us in and out for the actual nail trims.)

These people get Christmas gift cards from me. They make my life 100 xs easier. Please know that you are appreciated for all you do :)

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