How to hire new groomers??


New member
I’m trying to find a groomer to replace me. I’m burnt out after 11th are in the industry and done

I live in a tourists destination without other groomers in town, I’m booking out 2months in advance and I’m really trying to not leave my clients hanging.

I’ve posted on indeed and Facebook with 0 luck, and I’m leaving in 7 weeks. Any tips or incentives or places to post that people have had luck with? I’m well aware there’s a shortage, I just thought living where I do people would want to move here.
@threecrosses Are you the owner? If you're not, it's not your job to find a replacement. That's the salon owner's job or management. You've given notice if they aren't finding someone to fill the spot there must be a reason. Lack of affordable housing keeps a lot of people from moving. Lack of healthcare options, political leanings in tourist areas, disinclination to move somewhere without good schools etc. There is a shortage but there's also a lot of factors that go into someone moving or switching careers. I see more groomers leaving the profession just in the 2 years I've been doing it.
@thankfullness I’m not the owner but I am the only groomer and the owner and I are close. I know its not my responsibility but in a small town like mine you develop relationships and feel like you owe them.

Though that has probably led to my burnout as well. You bring up a lot of good points thank you!
@threecrosses Yes, that's the downside of small town life and I think a LOT of owners of all kinds of businesses take advantage of that. One of the hardest lessons I've learned is your boss is not your friend. In the end, they are going to prioritize the business over you every time. If they wanted to keep you, they would make it more palatable for you to stay. Good luck to you! Just remember, it's not YOUR business, you need to take care of you!

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