How are corporate groomers doing 15+ dogs a day?

@chaz1268 I’m someone who has power groomed for years. Years.
I’m currently letting my toddler sleep in on my day off while I find firm surfaces to lay on to help support my back. Everyone in my salon takes something for pain (ibuprofen, gabapentin, kratom or all 3).

No end in sight and a pushy boss who’s your best friend one second and losing her psycho shit offer petty things the next. Oh the regret….
@vb73 Omg that sounds terrible! Groomed for 22 years in a private shop, and the only time I did more then 8 was around holidays and because I wanted to. I’m grateful I still have my body in good working shape and can now work for myself mobile.
@chaz1268 It definitely is!!! Unfortunately, it is out of necessity and I also pay tuition out of pocket /: but this won’t be my career. I’m 4 years in and suspect I’ll be grooming for another 3 before I move on! Thank you for the advice!
@welcometothejungle89 Don’t worry about how many dogs others are doing, treat yourself and the pups right. I also groomed while I paid out of pocket for college. Graduated and did a year of grad school. Still grooming now, but opened my own mobile business so making more then I could with my degree. Either way treat your body right and don’t over do it!