Grooming my own dogs…. Spoiler: groomers deserve 1000x what they are paid

@motherhen When you get the haisplinters that stick in and you can't get them out with tweezers put a thin layer of Elmer's glue on and let it dry. Once dry peel it away and the splinter usually comes with it!
@mo I just pulled one out of my boob. Even though I was wearing a grooming smock that zipper up over my throat!!! How?!??

I will use this trick for any other ones I find that aren’t coming out! Thank you!!!!
@motherhen High volume groomer… I almost never ever get hair splinters. Have employees that somehow have them chronically. I think it has to do with the texture of your skin.
@theorange4 My girlfriend (not a groomer) gets hair splinters from our boxer's shed hair. *On her soles.* Her feet are always baby-soft and I guess that's enough for the hairs to work their way in there.

Personally I always keep tweezers in my drawer so I can pull them out as soon as I notice them, before they travel any deeper.
@theorange4 This is my assumption too. We’re pretty mixed in my salon on the amount of splinters we get. Sometimes I think it’s also if you have weird habits, like I kneel a lot and get splinters in my knees.
@motherhen I wholeheartedly agree! I'm also not a groomer, I have 3 Newfoundlands I home groom. I do 1 every weekend, I can't do more then 1, I am exhausted after grooming 1.
@weirdmojo omg I could never. I have two short haired dogs and I'm exhausted just after giving them baths. And they're really good about the baths too! They just stand their and give me sad faces but other than that are fully cooperative
@motherhen You’re doing amazing. I habe a standard poodle that I home groom. One of my best friends shows and sports works her old English sheep dog and so she helped me learn and transition him to home grooming. It’s so hard! I’d be super interested I. Hearing about which brushes and clippers you use.

I’ve got a Wahl 5 in 1, a set of purple dragon shears, and some long pin slickers plus the greyhound comb. I also love the ice on ice brushing spray. What have been your favorite products?
@jjamieson523 It’s such a process right?

For me the clippers are wahl off brand - I can’t remember the name. We couldn’t afford the real wahl brand. But tried to get as close as possible.
I’ve only used my curved shears and the texture ones - those sparingly as they both have been hesitant to let me near them with scissors. Yesterday was the first time I could really claim to use them 🤭
Can you tell me more about the ice to ice spray? I’ve been looking for after groom products and products I could use if I need to bathe them a day or so before but don’t want the clippers struggling. (Oh and my husband got me the grooming clothes off Amazon for my birthday - let me see if I can find a link.)

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