[Fluff] Happy 12th Birthday, Amaze-Bobb! My two-legged wonder dog


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WARNING I'm giving background first which is horrific, skip to the next paragraph for the happy bits! Two years ago, animal control took a tiny, broken, extremely matted senior toy poodle away from his neglectful elderly owner. Graphic sad photo of his condition when taken by animal control. It is assumed that he never had a haircut in his entire life. The day after his rescue they sedated him to begin shaving him. His back left leg came off. It was a closed wound, and his leg had only been held to him by his fur. His front right paw was nearly off as well and was swollen and necrotic, just hanging on by a thread, so was amputated. His teeth were rotten and most were pulled- he developed an oral abscess a couple months after his rescue and the rest were pulled leaving only 4 teeth. Photo of nasty rotten teeth.

Other than his legs being removed and teeth being pulled he was surprisingly healthy and upbeat. They gave him a chance. Bobb was taken in by Synergy, which specifically rescues senior dogs and hospice dogs from shelters, and his physical and emotional healing began. My husband and I fostered Amaze-Bobb and within a couple weeks we knew we didn't want him to leave. We were about to move, so the rescue director held on to Bobb for a few months as we sold our house, moved, and settled in, then she flew with him to us. He's been officially ours since June 29th, 2015.

January 20th was the day he was rescued and the shelter guessed his age at 10 (good standard "dog is old" number) so today he is 12! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Amaze-Bobb!!!!. He is healthy, pain-free, and active. We do physical therapy exercises guided by an awesome team of professionals. He has been in dog agility classes with the approval of his rehab team for the past year, however next week will be his last lesson as he's kind of maxed out on his capabilities. He does sometimes plop and stumble during his agility runs so on the risk vs reward scale I feel the risk is a little higher than I'd like. It's been fantastic for him though. Bobb lives with his two sisters, Siberian huskies, and two cats. You can follow him on fb.
@lucinaaje For some reason the picture of Bobb with his two sisters makes me think of a mob boss and two enforcers. Sort of like Mr. Big and the polar bears in Zootopia.

Rock on and Happy Birthday Bobb! Give him a good ear scratch for me!
@lucinaaje I love him. He is the most beautiful little man in the world. As a former groomer I cant imagine being in the middle of shaving a dog and then "Woops his leg fell off!" Id be hysterically shocked. Happy birthday Amaze-Bobb 💕
@jlo1988 I'm sure it was shocking. I wonder if they could tell it was off before they started based on movement, lack of nerve response, things like that, or if it really was an "oh cuss, look at this!" moment.
@anw0001 I originally posted him on /wtf with all the pictures taken during the process of shaving him. If you're curious, they can't be unseen and there is blood, bone sticking out of his leg, his separated legs, his rotten pulled teeth, etc so be warned.
@lucinaaje When I was a kid we had a dog that would get insane fur matts. We lived in freezeing cold climate and didn't like to shave her because she would just shiver. So we let her just look awful and then in spring we would have a groomer shave her bare. As an adult it makes me wonder why we didn't just take her for regular maintenance trips....this photo makes me sad because while my dogs leg didn't fall off I was a kid and didn't know better that she looked awful.

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