[fluff] does anyone else's dog like watching t.v.?

@irenevictoria Haha I completely understand-- I can't wait for Lucy to see what's going on with Skyrim, bc she likes the soundtrack (even tho I replaced my in game music with Witcher 3 music LOL)
@irenevictoria We found an iPad app that is a game for dogs. It has little squirrels that run across the screen and if the dog touches them, it makes a noise.

My dog loved the game. He loved it so much, that we quit letting him play because he seemed to get frustrated by it.
@x1extreme1x One of my dogs paid attention to the tv when I had Teletubbies on. Don't know why she seemed to like that show. Maybe for the same reason I did, it was relaxing.
@sdrevcop Same. Unless there's a dog on screen and it's making some kind of noise they're oblivious to the tv.

When they were younger we used to show them videos of other dogs howling and they'd try to look for the dog behind the laptop lol.
@dvd201 Haha occasionally my dog will take interest in my laptop or speakers. Caught him looking at our speaker with the "huh????" Head tilt the other day. So cute when they try to find the people or puppies making noise!
@x1extreme1x My dogs watch TV/movies with me all the time, particularly shows with bright colors and clear images, such as animated ones and comedies. My one seems to always be watching when an explosion happens. They also react to other animal sounds or baby sounds.

I think when they do it they're hearing the sounds and seeing the image on screen, and are trying to make sense of it, especially when it has animals or easily followed images (like the tennis ball.) My brother's cat watches the hockey games and will try to catch the puck as it slides across the ice, and thus the screen.
@x1extreme1x Some dogs can see what's happening on tv much better than other dogs. Also, with technological advances in the quality of the picture, today's tv's are much easier for dogs to see than they used to be. My Belgian Malinois is glued to the tv for Pitbulls and Parolees. He also likes almost any show with animals. My terrier couldn't care less.
@x1extreme1x Sophie loves both Wheel of Fortune and the Rachel Maddow show, both of which I'm indifferent to but now put on in the evenings for her 😂. She does not like Animal Planet shows, especially My Cat From Hell because of all the angry animal sounds
@x1extreme1x My dogs love sports. Ball sports, specifically. They tolerate horse racing but aren't huge fans. They DONT like soap operas, contrary to what my mother believes. The younger dogs TV intake is monitored because some things are too scary for him and he'll have nightmares.
@madmadhatter This is what mine is usually like too. He doesn't like scary stuff on TV but I think that's the noises more than anything else

The only time he's paid attention it, he's fell asleep like two minutes later lol
@x1extreme1x When my dog was a puppy he would be absolutely ENRAPTURED by Sesame Street. We would turn it on and he would just stare so attentively at the tv. For some reason Telly in particular pissed him off. He would go absolutely insane barking as soon as he came on screen.

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