What are the dog park rules?


New member
I’ve had my pup for 7 months now and his favorite thing to do is play with other dogs. He does great in almost every situation now but when he really wants something he can get pretty crazy.

We’ve tried going to the dog park twice, both times he was barking uncontrollably at a pretty small amount of dogs. I kept making distance between us and the park until I was about 100 yards from the fence. I could redirect him to me for a short moment then he’s back on the park.

He is only doing this because A. He’s never seen this before and B. He really wants to go sniff some tail.

My question, am I allowed to bring a wild, barking , leash pulling 9 month old dog into the dog park? Will people ask me to leave or just judge us silently? He plays very well, gets along with every dog he’s met and I know he’d be fine after a couple minutes, I just really don’t want to break any unwritten rules or ruin anyone’s day.

My brother recently moved in with 2 dogs so they’ve been able to play and we set up play dates with the neighbors often but I’d love to take him to the dog park before his 1st birthday.

He is a 40 lb GSD/blue heeler and has been neutered since we visited last.

Edit: Dog Park Rules
  1. No leashes in the dog park.
  2. You’re puppy doesn’t need to go to the dog park, let them mature.
  3. People aren’t there to train your dog for you, train your dog before you go to the dog park.
We have many other safer and more constructive ways for our dogs to play with other dogs. My puppy is not ready for it and I hope others can learn from this post. Thank you to all that have helped.
@et1phone2home Are you allowed? Yes

Is your dog enjoying it? Probably not

Is it risky? Yes, for everyone

Your dog might get attacked and behave worse, your dog might nip or herd other dogs and then you are going to get yelled at. Honestly, don't bring dogs to the park because it's like a juvie. He should be - at this time -learning to focus on you. Go outside the park and reward him for seeing other dogs and not reacting, but you should not go inside with a dog in high alert, that could lead to another dog attacking yours or him becoming more reactive.
@toseiwe Understood. That’s been my biggest concern is we’ve done a ton of work on training, I’d hate to take all this caution, go to the dog park and have it all reversed because someone else wasn’t cautious. He’s still young and gets plenty of time to play with other dogs so I’m not aching to get him there by any means.

Really appreciate this take.
@et1phone2home no problem! This is a critical time where he should learn to chill, so prepare some toys and treats and watch other dogs far away or create a bond playing tug or frisbee away from other dogs, good luck!