Is it bad etiquette to hang out at a dog park without a dog?

@aspiringtheologian Who doesn’t love to relax and watch dogs play? I have an older dog who would much rather socialize with people than other dogs. He’s happier in a crowded store and hates the dog park, so I have to seek out appropriate “people situations” for him. 80 lbs of delusion that he’s a human ❤️
@mb_c Some of these comments sound like they are from the dog version of Karens

No it's not. Parks are for everyone, anyone who gets mad has issues. Just don't feed anyone and you'll be fine.

Everyone suggesting asking if you can walk dogs is creepier, now THAT sounds like you are trying to snatch a dog.
@mathewmark1988 If OP wants to walk dogs, or dogsit, the best way is to sign up through a service like Rover, they can do things like background checks and verified contact info to give the owner peace of mind.

My pet sitter friend moved out of state, so the next time I take a vacation I will most likely be hiring someone from a pet sitting service, someone who has reviews to prove they can handle large breeds without being rough with the dogs or getting hurt.
@mathewmark1988 Dog parks are definitely not for everyone unless they’re clearly marked as multi-use. The dog park I go to is on private property and their insurance doesn’t allow children. There are behaviors that aren’t appropriate at a dog park like having a picnic, barbecuing meat, letting small children run around hitting strange dogs, bringing your pet bunny for a walk, bringing your pet pig for a walk, going for a bike ride (unless the park is clearly marked as multi-use). It’s important to only do things that are appropriate to do around loose dogs. There are tons and tons of parks available for all kinds of uses but only a handful of parks where you are allowed to let your dog run off leash, so that’s the priority activity in a dog park.
@p4m3l4 Every park in my area has fenced in dog areas for off leash activity and walking trails for everyone else, none are specificly designated for dogs or people only.
@mathewmark1988 Idk about you but where I am from you need to buy membership to go to any dog parks. So it’s not for everyone. Just for people that have a dog that is registered for the membership
@virtuous77 I didn't even know those existed. All the parks where I live are free to the public, there are designated fenced dog areas and the rest is walking trails. There are posted rules like don't bring kids and unfixed males dogs into the fenced area.
@mb_c It wouldn't bother me. As long as you aren't focusing too much on a single dog or trying to give treats. I personally would be super sketched out if some stranger walked up and started trying to feed the dogs (mine or others) because idk what you are doing or feeding them. You could be trying to poison them for all I know. Just like if you focus too much on one dog I'd be worried you may be planning to try and snatch the dog. But if you go up, maybe chat with the other humans there, and are just watching it wouldn't bother me. As someone else said just be honest why you're there, you miss your dog. Also I second volunteering at an animal shelter. They always need help and those pups could definitely use some love and human interaction. Good luck!
@imagebeastmarkbeast Yes, also some dogs have allergies or otherwise are on a special diet. If someone wants to feed treats to my dogs I offer them some of mine, and show them how to tell the dogs to sit and be gentle.
@mb_c Lots of dog parks require that you have a dog to patronize the park. I think it’d be okay as long as you operated on the assumption that you don’t “belong” there; it’s your job to leave if a dog is reacting to you, it’s your responsibility to not get in the way of training, you’re not to play with/interact with dogs without asking their owners, etc.
@mb_c I wouldn’t think much of it. Doggies are awesome and some people might just need a cheering up. Now a children’s playground with no kids waaaay different.
@mb_c I’ve done this several times before and no one seemed to mind. If you want to really look like you belong, just start poop scooping.
@mb_c I don’t think it’s weird at all, when I go to a dog park I don’t even think about whose dog belongs to who. If someone is bothered by you being there, they need to go kick some dirt. As long as you aren’t feeding the dogs you should be fine! If you live in the los angeles area, i’ll let you play with my dog 😩
@mb_c Does your area have a local county Facebook page? If so, jump online and offer to walk doggies!

Id bet there are plenty of busy people who wish they could give their dogs more time outdoors. You could even make some extra cash for it.
@mb_c As long as you're not bothering anyone I don't think it'd be a problem. And if someone questions you you can tell them the truth. You miss your dog and just wanted to be around dogs for a bit. Nothing wrong with that. I second the suggestions to volunteer at a shelter, though. That way you have to interact with the dogs and nobody can complain.