Is it bad etiquette to hang out at a dog park without a dog?

@mb_c Had a guy who used to at my dog park and all my crew were happy to see him. His dog had recently died and he wasn't ready for another one. Haven't seen him for months now as I stopped going to the park. Hope he's alright.
@mb_c No problem at all. Go and kick back and watch. No harm interacting with a dog if they approach you. There are dog parks around me with a bunch of benches and tables where you can chill and enjoy the company of dogs. Forget about the people who think it's weird. I lost my dog a year ago and it's theraputic for me to be around dogs. My friends bring their dogs over when they're out of town and I will swing by a park when I have time just to be entertained by all the crazy pups. Go and enjoy.
@mb_c I would honestly find it a bit creepy and would start wondering if you're there to harm the dogs or sth but I'm just paranoid so It might just be me 🤷
@awsome No, it's not. Fish stores are hoping you'll get interested enough to want to take some home, along with the necessary supplies.

People at dog parks don't have similar hopes, to say the least.
@mb_c Maybe look into dog sitting for people? It can be a way to hangout with some pups and make some extra money. I grew up with dogs my whole life and then when I went to college it felt so lonely. I use to hangout with a lady I met’s dog. I’d stop by and take her for a walk if it was a nice day. It gave me the company of a dog without the responsibility.
@mb_c Depends! My friends and I used to go when we were in college and people were super accepting and understanding that we just needed some pooch time. If you go to a crowded one in a major city and someone asks, just tell them you don’t have a dog but felt like you needed some time to play with some. Most of the time people won’t be sketched out at all
@mb_c It's definitely bad etiquette and the more people at the dog park, the more likelihood of any issues/conflict coming up.

Volunteer for a rescue or shelter, that fulfills your needs and gives back. If that feels like too much of a hassle, look at rover or a local company for being a part time dog walker or dog sitter.
@lps738 This is absolutely not the case at the several dog parks near me, OP. It’s not uncommon for people to come into the park without a dog and certainly not ‘bad etiquette’ as long as you aren’t feeding the dogs or bringing in your own food.
@lps738 Its not bad etiquette. The park isn't just for you and your dog. Like it or not but the park is for everyone. If your dog has issues with more peoe at the park your dog should not be at the park.
@mb_c Well, if someone is trying to teach their dogs not to approach people, you would be undoing their work.. I mean, the respectul thing to do to owners when their dog comes at you is to ignore the dog.
@unhingedflareon1111 I disagree, dog parks are places where you can legally let your dog offleash. Whether you want to have him socialise with people or not is yours and your dog's choice.

A bit for the same reason why in a children's park you (adult) should not go and socialise with childern of whom you don't know the parents.