I don’t know how to tell people [kindly] not to touch or command my dog at the park

@aba1612 I do correct other dogs when they jump on me, and after a couple of mounting to my extremely shy dog I intervine because my dog is stressed, and a dog who is stressed can jump from stress to defensive and aggressive, if you are not correcting your dog then do not take it around others who don’t necessarily play same style, dogs mounting my shy dog are bullies , usually my other dog correct them before I do, and they can even try to mount her because she will not allow it. Maybe find the dogs who likes to play like your dog and ask/plan with their owners to let “them be dogs” but do not assume every dog is ok with that play style, no every dog is the same “being dog” some dogs are vocal some are not, some likes to chase some likes to be chase, do not assume what your dog wants/do is what every dog would want., I would correct a dog who is being bully to mine, I don’t have to let some relax dog owner to let his bully dog abuse of the space of mine.
@alexrcraig Looks like OP doesn’t care or understand that not all the dogs behave or like the same as their dog, and mounting is actually a playful dominant move that many dogs don’t like. Of course a bully dog who is on my dog space is going to be corrected if the owner is “Relax” and not paying attention. Also it is commenting “it is your dogs fault if he doesn’t like it and avoid dog parks” why doesn’t this person understand that letting dogs wild in a public space is not a good culture, if you find dogs who likes to play like that they can rent a private place and play wild not on a public setting like a dog park. Similar you can do whatever in your backyard but once you are in public there is behavior to correct.
@starlyn This is probably the only comment of 50+ that
makes sense to me. Thank you.

My counter to that, and not a very big one is; if your dog is shy don’t bring them to the dog park. I feel like it’s the dogs time to play and be social. If your dog is in the corner, probably causing more stress by being there than my dog is mounting yours.

That being said, actions like jumping on people is a general no-no in the doggy world. I see mounting as his/her way to initiate a play fight, get the mounted dog to chase, or to show some other form of doggy-ness that I’m not privy too.

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