I don’t know how to tell people [kindly] not to touch or command my dog at the park

@aba1612 Right, but that's why I will forcefully remove your dog off mine. Like it or not, I'm simply trying to save myself from the lawsuit that will happen.

You were asking why mounting is bad. Well because is can result in your dog bleeding and me having to pay vet bills.
@aba1612 Your dog was never tied to a pole and bred for 5 years resulting in permanent fear and trauma .

You don't know other dogs histories when you're walking into a dog park .

Or, maybe they have arthritis or hip dysplasia? Like that WILL get you bit.
@mister_kisses If your dog has those issues, it sounds like it’s a them issue. Socialize your dog maybe? Both mine are rescues and are well adjusted. Both were found on the street for a good time I’m told.
@alexrcraig I wish there was a similar way to avoid people like this in all of society. Cuz I guarantee this isn't an isolated instance of entitled bullshit from this person. Lol. How nice would life be if we could go "no dog parks" in the rest of life. Lol.
@aba1612 YTA.

If you're taking your dog to a dog park and every other dog owner is at the point where they need to correct your dog, then you are out of touch. Take the hint and get your freaking dog off the other dogs.

I would have no problem correcting a dog I thought was causing problems.
@aba1612 That is because you don't want to know.

It is not their job to 'explain it to you' it is your job to put yourself in their shoes and try to understand where they might be coming from.

Try putting yourself in other dog owners' shoes, in such a way that you can imagine why they might be feeling the way they do.

Everyone on the planet isn't you, and doesn't share your views and values. They are not all wrong, they are just different.

Some day hopefully you are willing to extend consideration to others even when (especially when) you do not 100% share their views.
@noahhw46 I understand the argument; it could create a fight. I totally get that. The way I’m receiving it is that my dog is somehow vicious. I’m talking about play. The play biting, the play tackling, the play the play the play. I’ve talked about with my friend and he is on your side. I just don’t understand it to hold enough water.

The dogs in the park should be socialized to a point. Not all dogs can be chill, even the socialized ones. Anything at anytime could trigger a dog. And the mounting can contribute to that.

I just don’t think that it’s such a big deal that I would go in a physically move a dog I don’t know. And apparently you perceive as a danger to your dog, so why are you going in there to deal with a hostile situation?

It just doesn’t make sense to me. Every dog that he/she has mounted has either led to fun, or a quick snap at them, and they left that dog alone.

Seldom have I seen dogs cross that threshold. As I’ve stated here, I’ve gotten in the mix and pulled dogs out of that. The one thing they almost always had in common; they were near the owner.

I know it’s some form of illogical fallacy, I’ve just never experienced the level that Reddit has brought to me today. One of, if not my most active posts. Clearly everyone has the same or similar stance. I simply can’t get to the point of agreement.

And yes it isn’t anyone’s ‘job’ to explain it to me. But when I hear “ it’s rude” or “improper” with no other information for yours and others points, I do need some explanation. If I’m such a terrible dog owner, this is the moment to help someone else out. I will say my comments/ word use was the best, mobile and other issues on my end.

I believed I’ve done my due diligence, and if I’m wrong all I need is some reading material or YouTube short of a known dog trainer with some credibility. Just some so I could be better.

People love getting heated up.
@aba1612 MANY dogs don’t like the tackling mounting play. Your dogs are not EVERY dog. What more is there to say? I like quilting and baking…since I LOVE it then you must LOVE it too right? It’s my past time so I MUST inflict that past time on you if you don’t care for it then you MUST be under socialized. I mean I’m just having fun…who cares if I’m all in your space forcing you to engage in the same activities I love. CAN YOU SEE NOW HOW YOU SOUND.
@aba1612 When your dogs misbehave in a way that affects another dog, you either need to accept that people will try to get your dog to stop, or you need to stop bringing your dogs to the dog park.

As far as training goes, the more you train your dogs, the more they will learn the commands you give them and will prioritize your command over that of a stranger.
@manaf I don’t think it is misbehaving though. It’s simply dogs being dogs.

The Sedona point has it had is true, and I’m working with them the best I can. But at the park there isn’t really much training to be done. It’s time for them to be dogs ya know?
@aba1612 Sure! Happy to help.

I’ve owned dogs my whole life. I have worked with trainers to learn how to correct behavior issues.

That’s what I recommend you do.
@aba1612 Pissing on the carpet is also normal behavior for a dog - until you train them not to do that.

It blows my mind that you are struggling to understand this concept.

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