[RIP] Teddy, Mastiff, 9.5


New member
My beloved Mastiff Teddy passed Sunday — how I’m grieving.

I’ve had dogs in the past but none of them have impacted me the way Teddy has. He made me feel complete. I always did everything in my power to please him, and he would do the same. The love this dog had for physical contact was more than any Mastiff I’ve had before. All he knew was love.

A few days before he passed (when I realized it would happen), I became obsessed with his smell. When I would cuddle and smell him, I could feel the smell dispersing through my brain. Like I was getting high. It was the most soothing experience ever, and is now still happening. There’s a rolled up rug with a lot or his fur stuck to it. When I smell it, I get that same feeling. I smell his collar too, but there’s not enough hair stuck to it to get the effect. The rug works beautifully though. Keeping his collar near me makes me feel like he’s still here. I’m currently wearing it around my upper thigh. It’s the only spot big enough for it. He was a big boy. And so loving. And so beautiful.

Hug your doggies extra tight for me please.
@marker855 My dog just passed away yesterday, I feel your pain so much. I’m hoping your Teddy and my great pyrenees Floof are running around playing together in doggy heaven
@adviceplease I’m so sorry. We have a surviving Newfoundland and in the past have discussed getting a Great Pyrenees to sort of yin/yang their coat colors. They are such beautiful dogs, I’m sure Floof has endless companions up there 😭
@marker855 Put down our mini schnauzer in March last year and I am still devastated. 14 years of love and devotion and I feel I let him down in his elderly years as children got in the way. The last 4 weeks of his life were hard watching him wander about unknowingly.

Don't know what I expected, but it was really tough. I'm a grown man with a family and profession and think I didn't realise how important he was. Others knew though and checked in on me when it happened. Trying to focus on the memories and look after myself.

We have a new dog now and I'm trying to bond with him, but not easy. Any advice welcomed.
@marker855 My dog passed last summer. He was long haired with an undercoat so I saved a large mason jar of his hair and sealed it. It hasn’t lost much of the smell at all. I cherish that jar so much.