oMg SHE’S so uGLy!! [rant]


New member
Wrong. Dog was a solid pelt, a 10strip nose to toes was the safest and only option, and the fur will grow back. I can’t stand it when clients who are 100% at fault for the matting say this about their dog. Even worse when they say it to or around their dog. We all know it’s not what they wanted. But just because your doodle no longer matches the completely unkempt fluffy pics of typical social media doodle does not make them hideous to behold.

Oh and the groomer shortage is unfortunate and I’m sorry you were repeatedly canceled on by the same person. But uh…did you try? Cause a quick Google search showed at least 65 salons in the greater area we live, so…I digress.
@chris_1989 It's annoying when they do that. Our receptionist wil come back after a client like that leaves and says, "What am I supposed to say? Sorry your dog is ugly under all its gross hair?" Lmao
@chris_1989 I’m always baffled by the amount of doodle owners that actually think their dogs are ugly. I had a regular that I groomed for a decade and the couple always disagreed on what length he should be. Every time the dad picked up after a matted shave down the dog would come out all excited to see him and the guy would be like eww he’s so scrawny and gross I can’t even look at home and the dog would be going crazy trying to get his attention.

I think Chinese cresteds are really ugly dogs I cannot imagine getting a powderpuff then not taking care of it’s coat and shaving it down so I would have to look at a dog I strongly dislike the looks of. Don’t get dogs you don’t like looking at lol.
@excpomelo I keep my Goldendoodle in a poodle clip (clean face, clean feet, "pony clip"), and literally had to leave the Goldendoodle subreddit because of the amount of hate I got when I posted pictures of him. I was literally told I was abusing my dog because he wasn't a "fluffy doodle" when other people were posting pics of their matted-to-shit doodles and everyone else was cooing over how cute they were.

Now I just post pics of him here because at least GROOMERS appreciate a well-maintained doodle. 🤣
@kvasas If it’s any consolation, the poodle online community isn’t much better if you don’t have your dog in a breed specific cut, or at least dare to not shave face and feet. There was a discussion a while ago because some parts of Germany or at least a certain show venue did(or discussed)a ban for dogs with shaved whiskers. Which of course eliminates the shaved poodle face. People lost their shit so much that some threaten to rehome their dogs if that ever would pass in the us. I guess a lot of “fluffy” dogs are simply the victims of their owners taste.
@southwest I just want my boy to be happy and comfortable, and I don't have a ton of time to brush him every single day (he's a working dog), so minimal hair is a must.

Why would you rehome your dog over a grooming requirement? Why would you GET RID OF A FAMILY MEMBER because you had to change the way you cut their hair?
@kvasas Exactly, I mean I fully understand that everyone has a personal preference. And as long as the dog is comfortable and properly maintained, that’s perfectly fine. But hearing people one one side praise the perfect breed but than make comment like: I rather have no dog than one that looks like a dirty doodle!!! Just because some hair on their face, really makes you think if the standards they got from a breeder are the only ones they have… funny enough is also the fact that the “ rule or discussion ( I really don’t know if it passed or was just a suggestion) was based on research that dogs actually use their whiskers or sensory hairs or how ever they are called and that it really could be beneficial for them to keep it. But the only topic was the look! But sadly that’s not the worst thing. There actually is a good amount of people who think a tail destroys the aesthetic of a poodle… breed standards what ever but thats literally a body part
@southwest Some poodle people are wild. I don't have my dog in a poodle clip (partially because I prefer it, partially because of the whisker reason) and I've gotten lots of "polite" suggestions online of "proper" poodle clips that could be similar enough to what I like.

No, I won't like it... I like poodles because of their fur type, personality, intelligence and temperament. If I'm being honest, I think all "proper" poodle clips look pretty goofy.
@kvasas He is! We shampoo him every two weeks or so, but more if he needs it / gets messy. We brush him every day in the evening, and we use a detangler to get a soft coat.
@chris_1989 It boils my blood. A coworker had to shave a Yorkie in a 5 due to matting one time, and the owner said he looked like a rat and she couldn't even look at him because she's scared of rats. she literally said out loud "I don't even know if I want him anymore." I can't imagine preferring my dog stinky and matted over shaved and comfortable.
@somewherewithoutdanger A five is an impressively long coat to wind up with when your dog is matted. She was definitely exaggerating (I mean I think of all yorkies as bitey rats but that’s from past trauma with my grandparents dog. Normal people who think they’re cute would still consider them cute at 5-blade length). Your coworker did an impressive job.
@p4m3l4 Right?!? Like he wasn't even naked! He was also like 8 months old, so no, she wasn't going to put him through a long dematt! He was such a cute little guy, I wanted to say okay then leave him with me!
@p4m3l4 Right?!? Like he wasn't even naked! He was also like 8 months old, so no, she wasn't going to put him through a long dematt! He was such a cute little guy, I wanted to say okay then leave him with me!
@chris_1989 "She was so terrified after you guys shaved her down last time!" Ma'am, do you think maybe insulting her and shrieking about her may have contributed to that anxiety? Like, Jesus christ.
@mccra76 I always tell the dog that I think it's very cute and I bet they feel soo much better give them a little bowtie for confidence and usually they dog not terrified until after they leave 🤔

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