oMg SHE’S so uGLy!! [rant]

@flint1952 My experience has been that the owner's of poodles typically know what they are getting into when getting their poodle and understand the amount of work their coat calls for.

Doodle owners however, either fall under the overly entitled karen crowd that are in it solely for the #glam, or misguided first time owners that were mislead by breeders that tote doodles being low maintenance, friendly, perfect dogs that never have issues.

One client dot a bernadoodle puppy, under the impression that she'll be low maintenance and easy to care for. However, was not made aware of common health issues by either breed, nor the amount of work the coat will be.

I honestly put the blame on those selling the puppies for profit, without proper guidance or information.
@chris_1989 One time a lady picked her dog up and i asked she look okay for you? as we have to ask every customer, and the lady said oh my god, she looks AWFUL, but its my fault that was a big lesson for me to brush her.
@chris_1989 I think my dog is the most handsome dog on the planet 💯 percent of the time. He could roll in a field of cow manure and would still be the most handsome
@chris_1989 What’s funny to me is that dogs don’t care what they look like. They don’t look in the mirror and judge themselves. They don’t worry about how they look in photographs. They don’t care what color their fur is. They don’t care how long their fur is unless it’s bothering them from matting or their cold from it being very short. It’s us, we the humans, that put all this vanity into these creatures. “She’s so ugly” they say. What a pointless statement.
@ryann22 That is not necessarily true. I groomed a doodle that would literally pout toddler style if she had to be taken shorter that 5/8th. I once jokingly said “Alright, Miss Coco. Let’s shave you down!” and I swear to the grooming gods she death glared me. She is usually apathetic to the whole grooming process, but after that she put up a struggle for absolutely everything. Even copped an attitude at one point. When I was finished I put her in front of a mirror and showed her herself. Got the first ever tail wag from her when she realized she was not shaved. So when people say their dogs love bows or looking at themselves after being groomed I believe it or hate being shaved I believe it.
@ryann22 They do and they don’t. Some breeds are more sensitive than others. Not to mention all of their personalities. I’ve had 4 poodles and currently have one poodle and one Poo-Tzu. Neither one of them care as long as they feel good and get all the mama lovins they want/need. I’m not a professional groomer, and having had up to 3 dogs at once that require grooming, I can say I appreciate getting the most bang for my buck with every groom when I don’t do it myself. None of my kids have ever been pelted or severely matted, but I welcome them being cut short because it lengthens the time between groomings enough that I can safely afford to have more than 1 pup in my home at a time.
@chris_1989 I usually agree with them and say “yeah, she is. Time to get her on the 6 week rotation to avoid this next time” . I mean it’s true. They are ugly when they are naked lol so there is their lesson.
@yakdip I don’t think that’s true at all. There are some great looking poodle mixes that look like normal muscular dogs shaved down. Spoos, naturally very thin dogs, are kept short by many owners. I don’t see the difference. Yes, there are the little scrawny guys, but the fact that you and the owner are putting the emphasis on how appearance means everything… it’s just sad when all we get is unconditional love from our dogs.
@christianisaac Who said appearance means everything? When someone expects to have a super fluffy dog and has to have them shaved, they call them ugly. Instead of arguing with the customer, and there is no sense in saying “they give you unconditional love”. Agree with them, get them on a rotating schedule and move on with your day.
@christianisaac Ok, so saying they are ugly means “appearance is everything” good to learn a new definition of a phrase. Thanks for educating me. I’ll remember that next time.

You as well have a nice day “sis”
@chris_1989 Whenever I have to prep pet parents for a shave I would be point blank “they will look like a chihuahua/rat/hotdog” haha I wouldn’t use rat unless I felt like they could handle it so chihuahua is my go to
@chris_1989 It's always the irresponsible owners who think their dog is ugly after. I have doodle clients that WANT a complete #7 strip and love how low maintenance it is. Also why are people calling their own dog ugly?? I think plenty of dogs are but like it's your dog. Maybe if you don't want it "ugly" take care of it??? I'm personally a fan of the short shaves like a #5 all over. Makes the dog look like an actual dog.
@chris_1989 I have a woman with a very old dog who she has brought in 4 times in a row with mats in his little ears, he can barely stand still for a normal quick haircut, he’s mostly deaf AND blind, he’s tired of me brushing out his ear mats… I have informed her every single time that “there were some mats in his ears, we got them brushed out, but make sure we are keeping them brushed at home”

The 4th time was my breaking point, I shaved them, I told her at pick up that I will no longer put him through dematting; I don’t like doing it to healthy dogs, I’ve definitely don’t appreciate being expected to do it for dogs knocking on death’s door. She picked him up and was talking about how bad they looked and how ugly they were, I just shrugged and said “at least he’s comfortable now and they’ll grow out as long as you keep them brushed”

There’s also another lady I have, she doesn’t like how wheatens look, yet she has one, she always calls him ugly and I have to shave him down every six months (she brings him more frequently than this). I let her call him ugly because she never fights me on shaving and because she never deflects the blame from herself. Last time, she actually told me that he wasn’t as ugly as he usually is and we finally agreed on a length to not let him get past in order to prevent our bi-annual shave downs.
@chris_1989 Dude I always have to tell clients to not laugh at their dog or make fun of it. You’re the one who couldn’t brush your dog man, don’t make the dog feel insecure about itself.

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