oMg SHE’S so uGLy!! [rant]

@chris_1989 My poodle looks so cute shaved short all over! I've been missing it now that we're keeping him longer during winter. I really don't understand people who think like this, sorry you had to deal with it.
@mssonya84 Yeah I’m wondering if it’s a doodle thing. Granted I do a 7-blade, not a 10-blade but when I shave my lagotto down she gets mistaken for a springer spaniel. She’s still a cute dog.
@thewingsoftruth I know someone with the most floofy doodle, it’s insane, but, and I shit you not, his coat it amazing and he has his little ‘bangs’ in an elastic. Dogs totally happy, and looks goofy.
@chris_1989 People suck. That’s when I tell them it’s humanity over vanity. I had a lady with a pelted doodle tell me she was going to take the dog home if I shaved it. I said ok! She changed her mind when we found the foliage matted into the dog’s dreadlocks. The pelt came off in two solid chunks. She was concerned that her neighbor would see the dog stripped down in the backyard, they’ve only ever seen him with a full coat.

Uhhhhh excuse me while I collect my eyes that rolled out of my head into the back room.
@chris_1989 I had a lady say that over and over and “that’s not my baby” and her sweet little daughter kept saying ‘mommy she’s beautiful’
It was a Maltese 10’d but kept head long since it wasn’t matted. Did a cute top knot on her too
@sadie17 I can't imagine saying that when surely the dog is happy to see their person after a groom sesh. Like "nah this wiggling thing aint my dog"
@sadie17 Omg this kid is gonna go places. With a momma like that, most kids parrot them… and take it further by crying. I hope her mothers attitude never gets to her. She knows what’s up
@chris_1989 My girl went through an awful coat change and matted at the drop of a dime. Thus her first big girl haircut was pretty much a complete shave except topknot and ears. She looked so scrawny and ridiculous but we assured her she was still adorable in between fits of laughter.

I can't believe people act like that but they're also the same people that likely paid $3k and up for a mixed breed so they could post cute pics on social media and get attention when they walk their fancy "designer" dog around the neighborhood. After picking up Hunter and Hailee from soccer practice of course. How can they possibly go out in public with a shaved dog OMG! 😁
@cgb3928 Hit the nail on the head. I had a client once tell me "No one comes up to me and tells me my dog is cute when he's shaved..." Like seriously? Maybe you should brush your dog or bring it in more if you're so desperate for strangers attention. 🙄
@lily_pilgrim They actually said that out loud?! That's pathetic and kind of sad really.

My girl gets a ton of attention and we both enjoy it but only because she likes the people that give it. It is honestly a pain in the ass for me sometimes.
@cgb3928 Yes! Trust me I was dumbfounded when he said that to me. It made me kind of sad because it's pretty pathetic how he was more worried about other peoples opinions over his dogs comfort. It was matted and continues to be matted everywhere except the back which was the only place they bother to brush lol!
@cgb3928 I had a lady last week my first day back after getting COVID and she's always a pain she has a mini doodle who is always matted and they first things out of her mouth was "she cannot be shaved" followed by a whole list of complaints about price and I took the ears too short last time. She wasn't happy with the last groomer and now is requesting me even though she complains every time and I can't seem to make her happy. She then she says the dog can't be shaved I go why?? She said because she doesn't like it. So I say it's better to be shaved than covered in Matt's. This went back and forth for a while with my boss overhearing and telling the lady that she could bring her dog home and try to brush out the Matt's (dog hated brushing too) she finally agreed to let me do what I had to do and surprisingly was pretty satisfied during check out . I couldn't believe it
@chris_1989 I took my Coton camping in the backwoods for about 8 weeks, and among a bunch of other things, I forgot his brush. I’ve always been on top of his grooming, brushing about 3x a week but this was too much lol. I brought him to a groomer and they shaved him. I died laughing inside because he looked so scrawny and funny. I told him how handsome he was until his hair grew back and thanked the groomer, and tipped v well.

Point is, it was my fault he matted, and I couldn’t get mad or blame the groomer. It wasn’t my ideal cut for him but he rocked it till it grew back and I always make sure he has a brush in his go-bag.
@chris_1989 I have a client that wanted her poo shaved head to toe. I do want they want. She got a new puppy, and I'm thinking, yay I can do a first puppy groom cute clip. No. Shave head to toe. When people stress over their dog upon pick up, it does give the dog a complex then they blame the groomer!
@chris_1989 I keep my mini poodle in a bikini cut. I don’t get the doodle owner obsession with long hair. Would love to hear a groomer’s take on the difference between poodle and doodle owners
@flint1952 Huge difference. Doodle owners are mostly young and inexperienced dog owners. Many bought these dogs based solely on appearance and did little research on the breeds personality and maintenance.

Poodle owners are usually an older crowd and understand their dogs need to be on a monthly schedule….and almost every standard poodle I groom is an angel👼🏼
@christianisaac Honestly standards are always so sweet. I rescued mine from someone giving him away for free he was matted and never been professionally groomed. But he was an angel and was just a bit skiddish for the drier.
@christianisaac There was an older man with a miniature poodle, came in every 4 weeks and always got a puppy cut. The dog was so cute and hilarious! It was always a laugh. For the older man it's just a matter of fact to bring his dogs in to the groomer. He's been doing this with multiple dogs for 25-30 years.

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