Niece wants to go on vacation for 3 days and leave dogs in a crate

@patricia1213 Agree with other posters your niece’s idea is horrible.

I doubt she would much care for it if she was relegated to her bed and only allowed to get up twice a day to use the toilet as well as get a drink and a bit of food for three days.

Does she relegate these dogs to their crates for the majority of each day?

I feel bad for these dogs having an owner who thinks this would be okay.
@juhi I don’t know what she does with her dogs during the day, if we find out this is a common occurrence we’re going to have a come to Jesus talk with her. Beyond that I may report it depending on the outcome
@patricia1213 If she could have someone let them out three times a day with two hours to roam or run around to get exercise, that would be fine over a three-day period. That's about all they will get at a boarding facility. When I board with my vet, they have nowhere to run around. I doubt they even get walks. When I board with a better facility, they get more room, but they still come back to me needing to poop immediately, etc. No one will give them as good of care as you, so you have to do your research. Not all boarding is the same. But, it would probably be cheaper to board than have someone come out to the house. Plus, what happens if there is an emergency like a fire in the house or the dogs get sick?