Niece wants to go on vacation for 3 days and leave dogs in a crate

@patricia1213 As someone who also had a very abusive and fucked childhood, this almost just makes it worse. For me, my brother, and one of my sisters, we were horrified by the abuse we received and witnessed growing up and it’s even more of a reason that we all work on ourselves and do everything we can not to hurt others like we were. My other sister, on the other hand, turned out exactly like our abusive father and is abusive herself. She put in none of the work to heal from the past and it shows, especially in the way she treats other people and animals. If your niece hasn’t recognized that how she grew up is wrong and if she isn’t going to put in the work to heal and learn how to treat people and animals, then she absolutely shouldn’t have a dog

And edit- I wouldn’t use the term “emotionally stupid” when talking about a trauma survivor btw. Even if that’s how you see it. It also isn’t just a given that people who were abused in childhood will go on to not understand how to treat other living beings right, a lot of people from childhood trauma heal and go on to be extra cautious not to carry on abusive behaviors. Your niece is in the wrong multiple ways here
@patricia1213 I have two huskies, and only the puppy is crated, but I literally come home on my lunch break every single day so they don't have to stay for more than 4 hours without a break... and I honestly feel guilty about that!! I cannot imagine anyone thinking this is okay. Does she not spend any time with them at all?? She should know how long they can stand to be alone, and its NOT THREE DAYS.
@firegreen3344 I get anxious if I know my dog has been alone for 12 hours due to myself and my wife being tied up with work. And he has access to fresh water, food and a doggie door into our back yard.

I couldn't function on a holiday under the conditions she is willing to put her dogs through. It would be a living nightmare.
@firegreen3344 Wait... Not that I'm agreeing with her. I personally always leave my dog with friends or family. But why do you think that boarding them will be any better? They will get the exact same attention as you're describing she's planning to have for them with you and someone else checking in
@humbleservant1992 I would never suggest a kennel only boarding facility. I use an in-home service, where my dog gets to spend the day with the owner or playing with other dogs. I get daily updates including photos of my dog playing or sleeping exhausted with other dogs.
@patricia1213 Why do I feel like this is not the first time they leave their dogs for really long time?

If I were you I report animal abuse because your niece and her bf shouldn't have any pets. They are clearly lack of common sense and lack of empathy.
@stublackwell I’m going to have a chat with her this evening about how they keep their dogs as I genuinely don’t know. I don’t interact with her much, she mostly only calls when she needs something
@patricia1213 If you happen to know what vet she uses, I would call the vet and explain the situation. At the very least the vet can add a note to her file so that she does NOT get approval to adopt from any shelters in the future.

Make up some lie to get her vet information. "Give the pet sitter my info as an emergency contact so I can take them to the vet if necessary"
@stublackwell Self-centered and selfish without empathy and a conscience are their traits shown by this act. It’s pathetic that they can’t at least find someone to watch the pup and that way they only have to board one dog -but let me guess, they never got a kennel cough shot for them.
@patricia1213 As a professional pet sitter, your niece is about to commit dog abuse. If she called me to try and get me to help with her care, I would inform her of two things. One, no professional petsitter is going to job share with two people they don't know in order to provide care for these two animals. Two. She needs a minimum of three visits a day for the older dog and four for the younger dog. I would not take the job if that amount of care was not scheduled. And quite honestly, when somebody tries to schedule like this, I will report them to the animal control folk
@patricia1213 I agree, this is unacceptable. She could board them for 3 days or have someone stay at the house with them. It’s not right to leave a dog in a crate for three days continuously. I hope this owner doesn’t leave her pets in the crates for 12 hours on a regular basis.
@crucinatius I’ve suggested boarding or having a sitter come and she’s come back to me refusing with her “great plan” any advice on how to say this is wholly unacceptable without pissing her off to the point she just stops contact and does it anyway?