My vet wants to charge $700 to get my puppy neutered, is that normal?

@chebles Yes, I actually had to book the appointment for my dog to be neutered at 18 months when he was 6 months

And we actually had to get a voucher for him because he is part pitbull so he’s part of an initiative to be neutered at a reduced rate, and I had to apply for the voucher with enough time for it to be ready but they also expire so it was very tense
@tarper Yes I paid $900 for my female pup. The humane society is cheaper however they do spay/neuter surgeries en masse, like multiples a day, so can't afford the time or resources to offer individual care and attention as my home vet. The price included blood work, anaesthesia, post op supervision, pain meds, and a post-op check up appointment.

Edit: in Canada btw