Lost my 7 y/o baby unexpectedly

@mrnoitall on thursday, all was normal. we cuddled, he had a walk, he had dinner. after dinner, around 9PM he shared a snack with me of mango, raspberry, and oranges. at 11pm, he pooped. it was soft, but not awful. then, he kept squatting to poop, but nothing was coming out. i thought he was maybe constipated. we went inside the house and i was cleaning up the kitchen before bed. i noticed he was very uncomfortable. kept getting up, lying down, getting up… i took him for a short walk down the block, thinking maybe he needed to get the poop out. instantly i knew something was wrong. he was walking like something was bothering him. (think: kid wearing a full diaper.) i immediately suspected bloat and called the ER. in the car, before leaving, he vomited. we got to the vet, and they immediately took blood and BP. they got him into x-ray. they told us it was COLONIC/MESENTERIC TORSION. worse than bloat. i was sobbing at this point but they said there’s a surgeon 9 min away, who could perform a surgery that could alleviate the issue. but it was emergent and we had to go ASAP. we got him into a stretcher and went.

the doctor explained to us that it was a risky surgery. 50/50 chance of making it. $9k. i saw him right before surgery, kissed him, told him everything would be okay, i’d see him later, we’d watch movies when he’d get back. it was hard holding it together in front of him. while waiting in the room, the doctor told us it could just be dysmotility (gas distension) or it could be torsion. they told us that if all went well, we would be looking at a week’s stay in the critical care unit. i was worried. they said 2 hours, no news is good news.

surgery was at 3am. by 5am, after not hearing about him, i was hopeful. optimistic. at 5:20, the doctor came in and unfortunately informed me that his intestines had twisted and became necrotic. we had to consent to him being put to sleep on the table. i didn’t get to say goodbye until he had already been given the final shot. he was cold and it was hard when he was already lifeless.

there were no signs. nothing. i’d always been terrified of bloat because he’s a GSD, but i didn’t know it could happen just totally randomly either. i never let him play after eating. i don’t know. it was awful. but hopefully other dog owners stay alert.

he was a really lovely, healthy dog. he had a full comp exam last month and they said he had the health of a 3 year old despite being 7.