Unexpectedly lost my 2.5 year old dog, I feel so empty

@ozzijez This post has me balling B 🥺
My puppy is gonna be that age in a year and I feel like we're just getting to know and love each other. I'm so sorry for your loss that shit is heartbreaking.
@ozzijez I know how you feel, I lost the 3rd of my 100% mine dogs in 30 years just 22 months ago and just last week I cried on what would have been her 15th birthday. We still had whataburger for dinner just like we did when she was alive. It took 2 years for me to get another dog after my first 2 died 6 months apart! My sister forced me to get another dog by giving me one for Christmas! Losing a pet is so hard! You will heal and you will meet again on the rainbow 🌈 bridge
@ozzijez I saved this post because I felt so alone and miserable when I lost my beautiful boy at 15 months. He was my whole world and it’s Empty now without him.

While I have no comfort at all in knowing people here have gone through similar it is somewhat comforting to know others feel what you feel.

I like to think all the young pups and all the young kids cruelly taken from us too soon get to grow up together in the afterlife and have the best time.