Unexpectedly lost my 2.5 year old dog, I feel so empty

@human4 Damned climate change has only just begun. I'm afraid that the environment is going to get a lot more dangerous in the future. Green Algae, crop failures, new diseases. The world is in a bad place.

Even more of a reason to have a loyal pet. Get another if you lose your pet. It's the only way to get past the grief.
@ozzijez Oh my goodness I’m so sorry 😢 💔

My puppy is 17 months old and it feels like only the beginning with him. I couldn’t imagine losing him in a year’s time.

Life is so unfair 😔
@ozzijez Hey, I'm so sorry for you're loss, my pet actually just died yesterday, I feel terrible and can't help but feel like life is pointless but even though this might sound bad, nothing lasts forever, I'm sure you treated you're dog the best way and you and your family gave her all the love she needed, even though it's hard right now you have to think of all the good memories you have with your dog and think of the fact she's in a better place
@djflubbel My family dog passed suddenly at 13. She was healthy as a horse, and then one day, she just wasn't. Things went downhill quickly after that. I felt hollow after she passed. It took a while before we could talk about her without balling. Even my dad cried, I'd never seen him so broken. Then, one day, 6 months after she passed, we all got on the phone and laughed for over an hour, reminiscing her goofy personality and sharing some silly memories. You'll get there too, but feeling that things are pointless is totally normal. Grieve your pup, and one day, it won't hurt so much! ❤️
@7876a1c29f Thank you for the kind advice I know things will get better with time it's just going to take a lot of time to get used to the fact that I won't be seeing him wag his tail and jump on me, and the fact that I can't create new memories with, lots of love to you and everyone that has gone through a loss ♥️
@djflubbel Oh 100% time heals all. Just remember that grief isn't linear. You'll have good days and bad days. Just learn to enjoy the good days and give yourself permission to be sad on the bad days! Your pup was lucky and I know it felt loved. Sending you love and healing back! ❤️
@djflubbel I'm sorry for your loss as well ❤️❤️.

I completely relate to how you feel. I got myself out of bed by telling myself that's what she would have wanted for me. Currently snuggled up on the couch with her blankets.
@ozzijez My heart broke when I read this. My guy passed in March and I still keep his bed on mine. NEVER wash that stuff. The smell is so comforting.
@ozzijez Your feelings are valid. You are also not alone! I recently also lost my 2 yr old dog last month. Reading your story also helped me. I’m so so sad to lose a dog who was so young.

It’s been a month and I’m still recovering from the shock and grief. Pls take your time. It’s been hard to unpack losing a young dog. You didn’t get to see them become old and grey. You didn’t get to take them everywhere you dreamt of. But they are old enough and such a formed soul at 2. They are so playful and directly an imprint of the upbringing you lovingly gave them.

There are anomalies in dog health and genetics. I’ve had to accept Not all dogs are destined to live long lives. Time is not as important as quality of life. You gave your dog absolutely
Everything and they only take that love with them. There are no regrets on the other side. From one pet owner to another, those regrets will rob you of your sanity.

(My dog was also beautiful and healthy. Had a seizure in Feb and passed away by June. We hospitalized him and despite the vet bill we never got a diagnosis. His health declined quickly)

If you choose to go outside you may just get a sign or message from your baby. Their spirit is around a lot the first week. You may even get a visitation in your dream. They are very real and so natural!
@ozzijez My condolences to you 💐we just lost our beloved Alfie 7/2/23 same we did everything he was 15-1/2 years old.

💝😭🐾💔we miss him so much….I understand how you feel too.

Celebrate her life …💝 I decided not to grieve but celebrate our boy…Do self care for yourself.
@ozzijez So sorry for your loss. I definitely understand firsthand how hard that is. I do free pet memorial portrait paintings for those that have lost a pet, in the hopes that it'll help them in the grieving process. It's totally free if you want one. Sorry again for your loss
@ozzijez Hey, I can’t bring myself to write it all out here but I lost my 15 month old puppy unexpectedly. He was perfectly healthy and happy then went downhill. We did bloods and X-rays and everything came back normal. He didn’t get better and so it was back to the emergency room for 3 days of hell. 2 emegency operations and 3 times his intestines fell apart. The third time they advised us against operating again. Said his chances were so low. I listened and regret it.

I’m in the worst place I’ve ever been. I have a 7 month old son and a husband. I love them both but nothing is filling the empty, black hole in my heart and soul. I’ve never felt this dark and depressed in my life and it’s awful. It’s been a month and I’m still pretty much the same.

I’ve started therapy but nothings working.

Just know I’m so sorry and please feel free to message me at any time. I don’t personally feel I’ll ever feel happy or joy again but I hope I’m wrong and somehow in time I heal.