I’m so lost

@katerinachk I am so sorry for your loss.

When I was 22-ish, my childhood dog died of cancer. I was devastated. It was the first time I had ever experienced death. Even weeks after he passed, I would lay in bed at night and cry. A few months later, my parents got a new dog and he passed away from a seizure prior to his first birthday. That was one of the only times in my life that I saw my mother cry. I was an adult and moved out of the house by then, but my mother was so distraught after losing 2 dogs in 2 years. Unfortunately, we don’t get enough time with our dogs because they just don’t live long enough. They’re now dog parents to 2 more dogs who are thankfully happy and healthy, and I also adopted another dog after a few years. You cope by going through the grieving process, just like if it was a family member. Dogs are family members. Please allow yourself to grieve, heal, and it will get better.
@katerinachk I’m so sorry for your loss this is so tough ❤️
One of my biggest fears getting a puppy as an adult is what could happen to it.
I know you said you have cameras, I’m assuming there was no blood or sign of punctures?
@katerinachk So sorry. Same thing happened with my 12 year old shepherd mix 2 weeks ago. Whole morning he was his normal and energetic self. We take him to the vet often and had a clean bill of health. Took him and other dog for a walk, normal, left him on the porch where he likes to lay. Checked on him 30 mins later and found him laying on his side, eyes open, tongue out. So shocking and sad. I’m not sure what to do with my emotions either, I’m so torn up.
@highs2lows There are so many thoughts going through my head with mine and I wish I would have had them do an autopsy, blood work, something so I had an answer. The only reason I didn’t is it wouldn’t change the outcome but I wish I did.
@katerinachk Happened to a cousin of mine with their 1 year old golden. Had a hard defect, genetic but previously undetected. Was playing in the garden one minute and they found her laying passed away the next. Sorry op
@katerinachk I’m so sorry for your loss. We had the same thing happen in my family with our childhood dog, very sudden death with no symptoms leading up to it. Necropsy revealed hemangiosarcoma, she had an internal bleed. There are so many illnesses that can take our best friends from us suddenly. Your girl was so loved and she knew it.

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