I lost both dogs in 3 days

@jingshenbianxi Was in the same situation 7 years ago.

Our smooth collie Lucy was 14 and was put down due to a brain tumor. She was weary and we expected this. The Lucy we knew, our Sassy Lassie, the queen, SWMBO, wasn't there anymore. We mourned the loss of Lucy months before she actually died.

Our smoothie Fawkes, a sensitive soul, seemed worried and not quite himself. Blood tests showed a mysterious anemia and we scheduled an ultrasound in a few days.

Before that could happen, he suffered a sudden rupture of his intestine. We live 2 miles from a vet school and even with getting him there ASAP and their best efforts, our Fawkesy could not be saved. The cause was either a obstruction or mass, we didn't have a necropsy done. Fawkes had just turned nine only 5 days before his death.

We had no preparation for his death. It was a bolt out of the blue.

All this happened in 13 days. Not as bad as in 3 but still a complete shock to the system.

We had always had two dogs and when one passed, the other would help us in mourning. In time, we'd add another to our family and would, once again had two dogs. It always worked. But not this time.

We always had a dog in the family, in our house. We had to have a dog, it was inconceivable to not have a dog to love and dote upon.

I'm older than most here and have had many dogs in my life. With each dog I've learned more and more about how to be a better owner. My attitude has been that the best tribute for all the dogs in my past, is to use all that I learned to be given, as a gift to a new dog.

People vary greatly in how soon to bring another dog into their home - some right away, some in months, some never. All of them are valid. None of them are incorrect.

I knew for us, we needed it to be sooner. Alfie entered our home 8 days later.

Alfie was a lovable pup and we adored him from the start, but I'll fully admit, it wasn't the long deep love that we had for Fawkes.

My love for Fawkes was like putting on a comfortable pair of slippers. It wasn't flashy, it wasn't dramatic, it was warm and all encompassing. Fawkes was a complicated dog with issues but I knew him down to his soul and he knew and trusted me completely. He wasn't perfect but neither am I.

Alfie was a bold confident pup with none of Fawkes' emotional issues and with his whole life ahead of him.

Yet for months, if a genie appeared and offered to exchange new shiny Alfie for sweet, complicated Fawkes, I would have taken it in a second. Alfie was wonderful but he wasn't Fawkes.

I didn't miss a dog. I missed Fawkes.

It was painful to think of Fawkes at that time but now he lives on in our memories. Fawkes was a nutty, drama llama and loved to run and run and run. Fawkes was a goober. I can think of all these things without the pain but warmly, glad to have known him.

I am very sorry for your loss. It's heart breaking. I wish you the best.
@jingshenbianxi Sorry for your loss. Tomorrow will be the last day for one of my dogs since her health has dropped rapidly in the last few days. She is 15 and about to be 16 so I know it's time but that doesn't make it suck any less. I've just been reminding myself that as much as this part of pet ownership sucks I own it to her and the pain is worth it for the time I've had with her.
@nicolehaganjones I’m so sorry to hear about your sweet old girl. I hope your last day was peaceful and filled with love. I wish every dog had an owner as devoted and compassionate as you. Sending you peace and comfort from afar 💗
@jingshenbianxi Oh sweet person, I'm so very very sorry to hear about your babies. That sounds like one of the toughest things anyone would have to go through. Please seek some support from the people around you, make your favorite meals and take long, comfortable naps & showers.

Remember that you showed those lives all of the love you had in your heart, that's why it feels so empty right now. The beautiful thing about love, is that your heart will find new ways to fill itself again. I hope you remember your pups with gratitude and fondness, and your heart fills more than you expect.
@jingshenbianxi I am so so sorry... I will say that I have straight up seen dogs who are close die within days of each other. You did the absolute best you could and both of them will play forever in grassy fields until you too cross over the rainbow Bridge.
@jingshenbianxi I’m so sorry friend, that is beyond terrible. I’m sure that this won’t be any consolation right now, but it’s very clear that they were well loved and that you gave them both a great life. And I promise you that they knew and appreciated that. Hang in there my friend and my your little buddies rest in peace. ❤️🐾