Lost my 7 y/o baby unexpectedly


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I lost my guy, my soulmate, my best friend, my companion on Friday morning. He was my soulmate. He was the pride and joy of my family’s life. He was completely, extremely healthy and happy. I brushed his teeth every night. He was in physical therapy to prevent any hip problems. Despite being a seven year old GSD, people stopped us and thought he was 3-4. Even the vets thought he was so young. He was so good with people, dogs, babies, kids. He helped foster 5 puppies. Taught them to eat, sleep, walk, play. He was my baby. I get his ashes back sometime this week. I cant wait to have him back home, but this pain hurts. Waking up without him hurts. Washing his bowls at night. Brushing his teeth. Kissing the spot behind his ears. Listening to him groan when his ball gets stuck under the table. Coming home from school/work to see him waiting for me. Moving stuff away from the edge of the counter so he doesn’t steal it. Tripping over tennis balls. Leaving the kitchen stove light on. Thunder shirts. Bark Box. My guy.

I’m a very skeptical person, but I know he’s giving me signs. I know it’s crazy but he left us on 7/7/2023 and 2023 equals 7! We got him on the 7th of may. i said my very last goodbye to him 5:37am. he was 7 years old. we got him when he was 7 weeks old. i asked him to give me a sign and my phone battery was 77%. he’s just everywhere now and it feels good knowing how much we loved each other.

I don’t know. Grief is hard. He’s our first dog. I’m hoping he knows how much he was loved.

my sweet guy
@seang I can tell how much you loved him, and as a result I know you gave him the best life possible. I’m so sorry for your loss and I hope your memories with him paired with knowing the beautiful life you gave him brings you solace ❤️
@seang I understand. I lost a 7 year old pet unexpectedly a couple of months ago and it broke my heart. The pain will stop being so raw after a while. It's good of him to send you signs and luck from over the rainbow bridge ❤️

Be kind to yourself. I'm sorry for your loss.
@jasonf i’m so sorry for your loss. finding time to just forgive myself for not doing the things i usually do (working, eating healthy, etc) has been much easier than i thought it would be and i think my baby is making it that way. sending love 🩵💛
@seang Once the shock wears off it's easier to manage your feelings. But it takes time. My other boy who's 12 was diagnosed with cancer less than a week later, but knowing in advance makes it easier. If you have to live off grilled cheeses and call in sick, you should. In that moment it is self care ❤️
@seang We're in the same boat. Unexpectedly lost our 6 y/o GSD less than two weeks ago. We got her three years ago when we moved to a new state. She was my only close friend & my entire world.

She gave me a sign the other day too. We were walking in the park, near where we used to play fetch, and I looked up at the sky and it was this perfect shade of lavender, just a beautiful purple sunset. Purple was her color (collars/bandanas/leashes all purple). It brought me a lot of comfort. They're still with us, it just simply looks different now. ❤️
@ben232222 i’m so sorry. i truly think my dog was my only close friend sometimes too. my entire life revolves around that guy, even now!

how lovely of a sign to give you. they’re always with us, just in different forms. absolutely correct. sending love 💛
@seang As someone who also lost their souldog so young (he was maybe 5 or 6. He rescued us. He found us) my heart goes out to you guys. All that love in that routine and I’m sure it meant the world to your baby just like it does in your reflection.

May we be reunited with our soul dogs again one day.

I ask for do-overs like they can happen all of the time. I feel like a little kid in my grief. Unable to process or make sense of it. I know they won’t happen but God, would I give my life just to have him back. My little baby who was so healthy and had so much life to live. I thought he’d be there for us once our older dogs pass away, and we could heal and support eachother. But, it’s my little baby who is gone.

Sending you much love.
@jobson90 i’m so sorry for your loss. it’s always so hard when i think about how much more life my guy had. but then i think losing him at any age, at any time, in any way, would have left me feeling the same way, you know? i told him to be with me, and look for me when it’s time. i believe our souls truly will be reunited with them one day. sending love and lots of peace 🌈💛
@seang Well said. Any time would be difficult. I just keep imagining him. I really wish we could know for sure that we will be reunited. I hate to think that this is the end. 🐾🌌💐
@seang We lost our old poodley guy last July, and my husband said, "We're old, no more dogs." Around Thanksgiving, he told me I would think he was crazy, but he actually saw our dog in the living room knocking his water glass over on the coffee table (great game for everybody to play.) Lucky for me, it was a sign we should make new, fun memories with another dog, and we adopted an adult male poodle in February. I still have my best boy's ashes on the fireplace mantle, and they aren't going anywhere anytime soon.
@yana1 i’m sorry for your loss. i’m so happy you’ve opened up your home and hearts to loving another animal. i think our dogs who have passed taught us gives us the basis for loving other dogs and creatures. sending love 💛
@seang I'm so sorry for your loss. I absolutely believe that he's sending signs! I lost my boy on 7/9/23 he was a 2 year old English mastiff. Right after coming home from the ER vet our cats were looking up and mowing as if he was there. The grief is hard on us right now too. Maybe our boys met each other over that rainbow Bridge and are having the best time 💛 your boy definitely knows how loved he was. Just know a dogs love is forever, so he will be with you forever even if it's not in his physical form:) sending all the hugs ❤ ❤❤❤
@agadfly i’m so sorry for your loss. so lovely of your cats to see them in another realm! hoping our big guys are living it up there, and ready for us when it’s our time. sending you love and hoping that you find ease and peace in this difficult time
@seang I lost my 6 year old special needs dog totally unexpectedly about 9 months ago. I didn’t think I’d make it through the grief. Something about your post really resonates with me.

I think what got me through my own grief was focusing on how much I loved her, how much she loved me, how much my family and friends loved her, and how much love she gave back to everyone and everything she interacted with. It really didn’t help at all me to think about why or how I lost her, but just thinking about what an absolutely beautiful life I gave her and she gave me back is really what got me through the worst of it all. I’m not sure what happened with your pupper, but accidents are just that, and unexpected medical things happen. It’s life. The how isn’t really important in the end.

Your baby was clearly so loved, and I guarantee he knew it. I’m sure he gave it back tenfold, and is still giving you signs of that love even after he’s gone. Find some comfort in the 7’s of it all. It’ll make you smile for a long time to come, remembering your dog when little coincidences happen like that.

My advice would be to grieve however the hell you need to. Talk about it if you want to. It does get better, just keep thinking about all that puppy love and when or if you’re ever ready, I hope you can find another perfect companion to have a new bond with. Hang in there
@legolas2106 thank you for your kind words, sincerely. the how truly isn’t important. you’re absolutely right. what their lives were like, the way they made us feel, the way they changed our lives is what matters. looking at his old photos, his videos, making his little memorial in his room helps so much. he was such a goofy guy up until the very end, and i find solace in knowing that i only remember him as being funny, insatiable for treats and chicken, and my sweet guy. thank you. 💛