Lies the doodle breeder told them…(feel free to add your own)


New member
  1. Doodles shouldn’t be groomed until they are at least a year old.
  2. If you shave a doodle before 1 year old, their coat will NeVeR bE tHe SaMe.
  3. There’s no such thing as puppy coat. Groomers tell people that because it’s easier to shave the dogs than brush them out.
  4. Doodles only need groomed once or twice a year.
  5. Doodles are easy to train.
  6. “Mini” Bernese Mountain Dog doodles. Nuff said.
  7. Only go to a groomer who uses the “C hold” on the face. Groomers who hold the chin hair are cruel.
  8. Only use soft pinned brushes. Doodles have sensitive skin.
  9. Doodles are healthier because they are a mixed breed.
  10. If you get water in a doodle’s ears, they go deaf.
Either I have some extremely gullible clients or some seriously convincing doodle breeders around me. I honestly can’t believe half the things I’ve heard as “facts” the breeder told them.
@junior2708 I've got a client who signed an actual contract with her breeder that said she couldn't get the dog shaved because it would change the coat. I didn't even know what to say to her...because the only thing going on in my head was "your breeder is either so god damn stupid or a massive fricking liar" and you can't say that out loud to a client. Anyway, her dog was matted and we shaved it and she was super understanding, but wow what a red flag for that breeder. Why tell someone that? Why make them sign a legal document? What's the point????
@skyrue I don't even want to think about the people who honor that contract. That could fall under animal cruelty/neglect. Matting in no joke and we know the gratitude after shaving a severely matted dog.
@junior2708 One I saw on here was that a doodle should only ever be scissored, never clipped as clipping ever will ruin the coat. Scissoring to the same length you would have clipped is no problem though!
@rickt65 I get this all the time from my doodle customers - no clippers, only scissors! I don’t argue with them anymore. I just nod and smile and use whatever the hell I need to use to get the job done, ie make their dog look as much like the random photo they pulled off Google (of a different dog with a different, totally ungroomed coat) as I can. They have never once been able to tell 🤷‍♀️
@boosted Of course they wouldn't! Oh it's just so stupid. I had a cocker spaniel once that I'd been asked to hand strip, he ended up hating it so I clipped him after the owner gave it the ok. Manager (not a groomer but a self proclaimed cocker spaniel expert) comes out after showing her "this is where we stripped, this is where we clipped, stripping would have been so much better for his coat". I'd clipped over the little bit I'd stripped to make it the same length, you literally couldn't see a difference, but that bit was stripped so much much better! Some people...
@junior2708 That doodles are simultaneously lower maintenance and cleaner than other breeds. In what world is a dog that you get groomed twice a year CLEANER. Imagine what a dog like that is bringing into peoples homes. The poor thing has an ecosystem forming under its mats.
@chaz1268 Dude I fostered a pyredoodle for a while and god damn he brought everything he possibly could inside of my house. Leaves, twigs, so much dirt just magnetized to his coat. I debated shaving him because I didn't want potential adopters to think "he looked like a poodle" but then I decided that he shouldn't be adopted by someone with that mindset anyway, so shaved he got!
@junior2708 A client told me “bernedoodles” are the calmest of the “doodle breeds”. I straight up told her to not get a poodle mix, just get a standard poodle. She got a Bernese poodle mix and he’s psychotic, she had tears forming in her eyes when she met my poodles just calmly sitting on the floor while hers was lunging on his leash screaming at the top of his lungs. She did in fact apologize that she did not listen to me so good on her. She got a golden retriever poodle mix later that year, so yeah… it’s just a status symbol where I live and I find it kind of funny watching all these middle class surburbanites struggling to even walk their dogs.