Lies the doodle breeder told them…(feel free to add your own)

@ruslanishe It really is. The horror of people when you suggest they should just get a poodle. Poodles are apparently very ugly and under no circumstances do they want their dog looking like that, so they buy one that's only half poodle so it can be shaggy and fluffy and have a long beard! Imo doodles are so much uglier looking than poodles most of the time, but there we go
@junior2708 Doodles are pure bred, doodles don't shed, doodles are easy to train (maybe the early 2000s ones, but so many of these current abominations of mixes are neurotic, anxious, and sometimes aggressive), and this isn't a fact, but I just still can't fathom that people pay anywhere from 2 - 8 thousand dollars for these poorly bred dogs.
@junior2708 I had a client tell me that her doodle's ears were matted because doodles have a "second ear flap" and so the ear can't be brushed without catching that flap. It was just a normal ear.
@listentoreason Yeah I'm guessing they accidentally caught or nicked the regular ear flap when they tried to demat it and then did some mental gymnastics as to why it wasn't their fault and why future matting also isn't their fault.
@junior2708 doodles don't shed/they're hypoallergenic! i cannot tell you how many times i've had to explain to people why their dog is shedding and why they're clearly having allergic reactions to their dog.

also the classic, doodles are supposed to be "tamer" and easier to work with because they're a mix so obviously they somehow only get the good traits from each dog!
@junior2708 right? it's the one trait all doodles can seem to agree on, lol. doodles have taken such a toll on me over time and COVID only doubled the amount that i see. out of five years working with them, i've only met a small handful that i'd actually want to be around outside of work, lol.
@edo I’m about to stop accepting doodle clients tbh. Between the poor behavior/no training and the new trend of giant breeds being doodled, my body can’t take the stress.
@junior2708 i don't blame you at all, we have long days sometimes where one groomer will have 6 or 7 doodles scheduled in one day with other dogs thrown in and the stress it causes is unreal. we're all miserable halfway through having a "doodle day"

an old coworker of mine actually opened her own shop and limits her doodles by a LOT and she refuses to do more than 1-2 a day because of how tiresome they are to work with.
@junior2708 i wish my boss would do that. i've worked in two shops and literally left the last one because of awful scheduling just to end up in a somehow worse situation.
we have 3 1/2 groomers (one in training) and we'll have days where everyone has at least 5 doodles and it brings everyone down immediately. i can't wait for the day when the whole doodle trend dies down. so many people don't know what the hell they're doing when they get one and just expect them to be perfect upon adoption, somehow.
@edo My last shop would schedule upwards of 4 doodles a day and the shop owner would kiss the doodle owner’s asses. Nothing made me want to open my own place more. Currently working a vet office while I work up some education before opening my own place.
@junior2708 The whole "hybrid vigor" bullshit. Your doodle you paid $3k for and got from some random breeder you found on a Facebook doodle group who used 2 poorly bred "purebred" dogs is going to be just as poorly bred. So many we get have horrible temperaments and health problems. I understand the whole mixed breeds are healthier but then adopt a mixed breed. Doodle breeders aren't breeding to better the "breed" or to produce well temperamented dogs. Its for money.
@lawforchrist We have a “whoodle breeder” in our area. The stud poodle she uses for her SCWT bitches has known aggressive tendencies. Every one of the pups to come out of her puppy mill has a ridiculous amount of issues.