Doodle owners: Why????

@romanqueen1 (Not a groomer)

My coworker has a now-6-month-old goldendoodle. She has yet to see a groomer. I suggested some grooming tools for when they got the dog, but all they have is a slicker that they've given her a once over with "a few times."

Every time she shows me a picture of the dog I try to subtly suggest she take it in ("aww, she's so fluffy! ha ha, she's going to need a topknot or a haircut soon or else she's not gonna be able to see!").

I cringe when I think about the poor groomer is going to be dealing with this dog at some point in the next few months....
@lindart Omg yes!! Every time a matted dog comes in they always say “Now I don’t want her SCALPED!” Jesus ma’am, I left my tomahawk at home. I even told one lady who said it, “Oh don’t worry, I’ll be sure to leave her skin in tact!” Idiots
@stranjah1987 My favorite was a lady who recently brought in her matted golden doodle and asked me to groom her "like a Golden". I spent 15 minutes explaining to her that I couldn't do that, because her dogs hair was very different from Golden hair, after which she looked me right in the eye and said very seriously "But she's a GOLDEN doodle. Can't you at least groom her face like a Golden?"

And today, someone asked me for the doodle face. "Normally we keep a round face, but today we want the doodle face." Cool cool -_-