I got THAT doodle owner…

@yahunatan That’s what it’s coming down to next visit. Should have just pulled the trigger or turned her away but lesson learned and she has 6 weeks to figure it out, and I have 6 weeks to tell her her dogs gonna he shaved 😂
@bigred78 They’re lucky their dog could even sit through a groom… tbh, brushing out extensive matting in their first grooming experiences at that old could be enough to traumatize the dog for life!
@xekuter Oh I didn’t de-mat anything. He’s been bathed and dried plenty of times (super well behaved little man). And I line brushed through his whole coat, but I did not break up any mats that didn’t come out with regular brushing and spray. I left that option for parent to achieve in 6 weeks. I hope over 6 weeks she realizes what a task it would be for me to achieve that in one setting.
@xekuter All good. I have to give her some credit, the pup is super good for bath / blow dry / nails / prep, etc. but the length that she has let her dogs coat grow out to it totally traumatizing. Even after his scrub and soak in deep clean shampoo he smelt musty during blow dry :/ even if I wanted to (which I don’t and will not) it would have taken me HOURS to get his coat mat free.
@bigred78 if it’s got matting, it’s getting a 5 at the longest. I am here to make your dog comfortable and cute. I am not here to magically undo neglect. FUCK clients like this. they will literally never appreciate the work you put in to make them happy, all you end up doing is making the dog think grooming is a miserable experience. the people who will appreciate your time and energy are the people who are already taking care of their dogs.

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