I’ve got the blue BAD!

@trevorodhiambo To keep myself out of the blues I have to keep telling myself the effort is worth it the effort is worth it lmao and start thinking of all the fun things we were gonna do. I got an 8 week mini doodle who is calm for the most part but will not sleep at night.
@trevorodhiambo We have a 9 week old golden retriever. We also have a 13 month old Great Dane and 2 year old human child. The 3 of them help me to never sit down and keep active. The puppy does not stop biting. Honestly my Great Dane has been a huge help with the puppy. They loved each other pretty much instantly
@trevorodhiambo I am so glad to know puppy blues are a thing. I felt so bad for being sad about having a puppy and being miserable. Last year my Dane had Giardia as a puppy for about 4 months. Great Dane sized poop every night in the kitchen for weeks. I hated my life for a while. He was so worth it. Seeing how he and my retriever look for each other melts my heart. I know this new puppy and his sharp teeth will be worth it too….in several several months 😩
@trevorodhiambo A few weeks ago I was starting to regret my decision to add a puppy to my life. I have a middle aged rescue boy who wasn’t thrilled with the new addition and I was just exhausted from cleaning up poo and pee and dealing with so much never ending puppy energy. But then something clicked and she matured and she’s all of a sudden way less annoying. So try to hang in there! They do get less insane, it just takes a while.

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