It gets better - I doubted it!

@arengs Yes!! We always say we can see the gears turning when he’s about to do something bad…he knows he shouldn’t, but his little brain just says screw it! 😂😭
@imagebeastmarkbeast The first day is so overwhelming!! You got this, stay consistent with whatever methods you choose to use and remember they don’t do the bad stuff on purpose, no matter how much it might seem like it. They just have a lizard brain for a while 😅✊🏼
@slateblue 10 months. It is getting a lot better. Even with stomach issues, scraping skin off his pads, and other hiccups, I have a companion and not an infant.
@dx70 Thanks for this, lot of the comments also say their 3-6 mth old pups are behaving way better than when they were first brought home. Mine is also 10 mths and we JUST started having more good days than bad. Thought maybe I got a broken one lol.
@slateblue Ugh reading posts like this always make me so happy but so confused at the same time!! I have had the opposite experience with my pup. He was an angel from 12 weeks to 7 months, but now adolescence is kicking in full force. I mean tearing up furniture, not listening to me, all of that. Hoping it gets better soon :’)
@ml5363 It'll get better around 10 months, maybe sooner depending on breed. When they are in their 'teens' 7-10 months its almost constant boundry testing. My puppy went from demon to Satan during that time and literally just woke up one morning a sweetheart. Random spouts of bad still but nowhere near demon level.
@ml5363 This!! We had the typical issues of pottying inside and hating being alone but other than that he wasnt destructive, always listened and was super calm in any enviroment. Then he reached 6months and i swear he got possesed or something. Hes 7.5 almost 8months now and hes improving but hes nowhere near as good as he was before 6months.
@trenton So freakin cute. I wish my guy liked going for walks 😂 idk if it’s the winter weather or what, but he will walk about 1 house length and then just stop. We play lots of games inside 😬
@slateblue Try going to the mall. Mine hates walks around the neighborhood because she has seen it all before and nobody ever wants to pet her 😔

Also it's a great skill to learn. I have mine lie down whenever I am looking at a rack or waiting in line. She really likes it and I think she sees it as a job.
@slateblue Our 8 wk old pup was super nervous to walk around the neighborhood as well, at first I just carried her a couple day so she could smell and see. Whenever I tried to walk her on leash she would wine a shake and sit down, we ended up coercing her to walk the length of the leash towards me with treats and after about 15 mins of praising and redoing the ten ft leash treat thing she was walking along pretty well, still have to do that with her sometimes to get her moving but it’s gotten wayyyy better (FYI I’ve had a pup for like a week so idk wtf I’m doing lol)