What dog gets along best with ACD?

@facelessk I had a female American Pitbull Terrier before getting our female ACD. I was worried about territorial issues, but they get along so well and are the perfect rough housers for each other. I feed them separately because of food guarding issues with the APT, but otherwise they are best friends. Couldn’t have worked out better for us.
@facelessk I bought my ACD a golden retriever. He is not dog-friendly at all, and takes forever to warm up to new things. She worked out great. She’s friendly, and has boatloads of self-confidence so she didn’t take his attitude issues personally and basically bulldozered him into being her friend. They’re great together.
@facelessk My parents have 2 ACD mixes that are about 60lbs each.

My 20lb schnoodle is one of their best buddies and they treat her like an annoying little sister(funniest thing is when she's getting to be too annoying and the bigger of the two ACD mixes will just put her paw on her head to get her to calm down). My brother's 8lb chihuahua mix is also one of their favorites.

It's actually really funny watching them play with dogs that much smaller than them because they both dial things back so they're not going to hurt the small dog. All of them are also female but from experience with previous dogs, I'd say to be careful about introducing a new female when you already have a female dog because you're right, they can be territorial.

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