I'm a Doodle Owner. I have a question. I come in peace


New member
Hi Guys, yes I'm a doodle owner. Yes, she is my "first dog". I had a bichon growing up, and I am well aware of brushing and grooming. My puppy fractured her back at doggy daycare when she was 4 month old. It hindered my ability to get a proper groom at a young age. I work with her about being friendly with the feet area and so on. However, during one of her X-ray trips to the vets I asked them to give her a sanitary clip as she was getting a bit to manage down there. They did a horrible job. They cut her bum and gave her horrible razor burn. She is not terrified of having her butt and tail touched.

She got her first groom today and her next appointment is in 8 weeks. She looks cute as heck, but they did have a hard time with her sanitary clip. Is there anyway I can get her comfortable with this area again? Also, how to I properly ask for her muzzle to be clipped? She's half aussie so she shoves her full face in the water pretty much when she drips and makes a mess. Is there a clipping style to make it so she tracks less water all over the place when she drinks.
@jeffatlanta Id recommend to get her on a more regular desensitising schedule (weekly or fortnigjtly) to help her with her anxiety in that area. Alternatively, if you install one of those fake razor apps to your phone and practice "shaving" her with your phone (including lifting her rear legs up into the cocked position) to help desensitise her to the sound and feel. Having her stand on a bench or table in this scenario would help as well. As for her face, id suggest to find a picture online of a dog that looks similar to yours with the face style you want. Or if you're talking a shaved muzzle like a poodle, ask them to shave her muzzle with a 10 like a poodle and they should understand.
@mjmotr1 OP, A poodle face is the most shaved, but something like a #4 face would be less drastic but still very functional.

If you get the face shaved be sure to specify whether you want a topknot like a poodle or a shorter head. There’s also the question of whether to square the ears off (more poodle like IMO) or rounded ears. I prefer short, round ears on doodles, personally.
@jeffatlanta The previous comments about desensitization are spot on. Do you think she has any pain from her injury when they lift her back legs or her tail? Pain can very well be the reason she is reactive during a sanitary trim.
As far as clipping her muzzle, photo references are going to be your best bet. Also, don't ever be afraid to ask your groomer to alter things when you pick her up. He muzzle left too long, as them to shorten it before you leave.
@toddh This was my first thought too. Perhaps the pain and discomfort was always there when lifting the tail but it was only discovered when a groomer tried to clip it. When the vet did she was probably anesthetized to get the X-ray. Clipper irritation is very common in those areas and most dogs will still allow you to clip there after it’s healed.

Since the tail is part of the spine I’m willing to bet the issue is related to her spinal injury.